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 rear engine trans on reg mower?

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PostSubject: rear engine trans on reg mower?   rear - rear engine trans on reg mower? Icon_minitimeMay 22nd 2013, 4:20 pm

is it possible to put a rear engine mower trans on a regular mower? is it a lot of work? has anyone done it before?
thanks for your help!!
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rear - rear engine trans on reg mower? Empty
PostSubject: Re: rear engine trans on reg mower?   rear - rear engine trans on reg mower? Icon_minitimeMay 22nd 2013, 4:24 pm

tman9114100 wrote:
is it possible to put a rear engine mower trans on a regular mower? is it a lot of work? has anyone done it before?
thanks for your help!!
are you talking about a transaxle with the stone plates or a transaxle with pulley?
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Doc Sprocket
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PostSubject: Re: rear engine trans on reg mower?   rear - rear engine trans on reg mower? Icon_minitimeMay 22nd 2013, 5:14 pm

Generally speaking, rear-engined riders have seperate transmissions and axles- instead of the usual transaxle you'd see in a front-engined rider. This is not written in stone, but is the usual arrangement. A very common rear-engine tranny is the Peerless 700. Great gearbox. Anyway-

SINCE the transmission is a stand-alone gearbox and NOT a transaxle, this leaves you needing an axle. You would require either a differential-equipped axle (from a similarly-equipped machine) or a live-axle (solid shaft) like you would see in a go kart. The gearbox is linked to the axle with chain and sprockets.

How HARD it is, is simply a matter of your level of ability. Dead easy for some of us, tough as nails for someone less experienced. I can give you a LOT more detail if you like.

On the other hand, if you actually have a transaxle out of a rear-engine unit (rarer, but does happen), then it will be a pretty simple bolt-on with the right bracketry.

Again- If you want more detail on a conversion, just ask...
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PostSubject: Re: rear engine trans on reg mower?   rear - rear engine trans on reg mower? Icon_minitimeMay 22nd 2013, 5:37 pm

Doc Sprocket wrote:
Generally speaking, rear-engined riders have seperate transmissions and axles- instead of the usual transaxle you'd see in a front-engined rider. This is not written in stone, but is the usual arrangement. A very common rear-engine tranny is the Peerless 700. Great gearbox. Anyway-

SINCE the transmission is a stand-alone gearbox and NOT a transaxle, this leaves you needing an axle. You would require either a differential-equipped axle (from a similarly-equipped machine) or a live-axle (solid shaft) like you would see in a go kart. The gearbox is linked to the axle with chain and sprockets.

How HARD it is, is simply a matter of your level of ability. Dead easy for some of us, tough as nails for someone less experienced. I can give you a LOT more detail if you like.

On the other hand, if you actually have a transaxle out of a rear-engine unit (rarer, but does happen), then it will be a pretty simple bolt-on with the right bracketry.

Again- If you want more detail on a conversion, just ask...
Dang your just full of info man Very Happy i was wanting to ask you how would a smog pump supercharger work on my engine with the mods ive done to it?
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Doc Sprocket
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PostSubject: Re: rear engine trans on reg mower?   rear - rear engine trans on reg mower? Icon_minitimeMay 22nd 2013, 6:01 pm

Jay_Rod wrote:

Dang your just full of info man Very Happy i was wanting to ask you how would a smog pump supercharger work on my engine with the mods ive done to it?

What can I say- When I'm not wrenching, I'm researching. I download and read service manuals for kicks...

As for the supercharger idea- I've not tried it, but the biggest problem is dialling in the variables. Yes- you can use something like that to force induction, but getting the right amount of air is tough enough. Even harder is dialling in the additional fuel requirements. It's not enough to simply fire air in there. You need additional fuel, but what makes it harder is getting it to vary correctly. The faster the compressor spins, the more fuel you need to get into the mix.

Getting back to basics- a supercharger boils down to "artificial compression". The engine basically gets an illusion that it has more compression than it actually does. Taking a step back, I feel that the first step in all of this, is boosting your natural compression.

That said, we should probably let the OP have his thread back (my apologies) and continue this discussion elsewhere...
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PostSubject: idk   rear - rear engine trans on reg mower? Icon_minitimeMay 22nd 2013, 7:48 pm

idk what to do? i have a snapper rear engine and i am getting an mtl lawn general or something like that, but it has a hydro trans. so would it be easier to move the motor to the snapper or the snapper rear end to the lawn general?
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Doc Sprocket
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PostSubject: Re: rear engine trans on reg mower?   rear - rear engine trans on reg mower? Icon_minitimeMay 22nd 2013, 7:51 pm

1) What's wrong with the snapper's engine?
2) Can't tell you much more until we identify whether the gearbox in question is a transmission or a transaxle.

With little else information- the easiest option is the engine transplant.
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rear - rear engine trans on reg mower? Empty
PostSubject: Re: rear engine trans on reg mower?   rear - rear engine trans on reg mower? Icon_minitimeMay 22nd 2013, 7:55 pm

Snapper rear engine mowers have a disc drive setup (doesnt work very good offroad)
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PostSubject: Re: rear engine trans on reg mower?   rear - rear engine trans on reg mower? Icon_minitimeMay 22nd 2013, 7:59 pm

Aww, crap... You mean the super-cheesey snowblower type? That honks... Time to source a better transaxle.
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PostSubject: motor   rear - rear engine trans on reg mower? Icon_minitimeMay 22nd 2013, 8:09 pm

motor rods or something is broken inside so it doesnt turn over, just locks up hard.
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Doc Sprocket
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PostSubject: Re: rear engine trans on reg mower?   rear - rear engine trans on reg mower? Icon_minitimeMay 22nd 2013, 8:23 pm

time to break out the wrenches!

Step one- Pull out the spark plug and see if it turns any easier. If that doesn't do it, take off all the shrouding and see if something outside the engine is hitting something. If that doesn't work, crack it open!
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PostSubject: Re: rear engine trans on reg mower?   rear - rear engine trans on reg mower? Icon_minitime

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