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 3.5 Briggs Screeches.

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3.5 Briggs Screeches. Empty
PostSubject: 3.5 Briggs Screeches.   3.5 Briggs Screeches. Icon_minitimeMay 26th 2013, 11:31 pm

Well guys, ive got a question. My teacher for agriculture gave me a old mongomery ward rear wheel drive (no transmission, just a gear that turns the wheel) with a 3.5 hp briggs on it. Well, ill keep it short and sweet. I got it home, put gas in it, started on the FIRST pull, and ran for a while until a awful screech came from it, the whole town could hear it. So, what is going on here!? Me, having nothing to do, decided to rebuild it. one problem. I cant get the friggin sump cover off, is there an invisible bolt holding it on? Im thinking that because it has the second shaft for the drive, which ive never got into one of those, that there is more to it to take it off! HELP!!!!
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3.5 Briggs Screeches. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3.5 Briggs Screeches.   3.5 Briggs Screeches. Icon_minitimeMay 26th 2013, 11:44 pm

when I think screetch and small engines, I think pull cords. like whatever mechanism that holds it to the top of the flywheel is bad or not working right (obviously) and the cover, I have no clue. take a few pics if you can.
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3.5 Briggs Screeches. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3.5 Briggs Screeches.   3.5 Briggs Screeches. Icon_minitimeMay 27th 2013, 1:01 am

redlinemotorsportts wrote:
when I think screetch and small engines, I think pull cords. like whatever mechanism that holds it to the top of the flywheel is bad or not working right (obviously) and the cover, I have no clue. take a few pics if you can.

I was thinking along the same lines. Every small engine with a pull start where either it was off-center a bit, the bushing was try, or some other such little problem caused that kind of screech.
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Doc Sprocket
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3.5 Briggs Screeches. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3.5 Briggs Screeches.   3.5 Briggs Screeches. Icon_minitimeMay 27th 2013, 5:37 am

You guys are on the right path- it's the starter clutch.

You'll need to take the recoil (pull start) off, which in this case should be permanently attached to the blower housing. Don't take it apart, just take the housing off. The recoil itself should be fine. Now- see that odd square drive deal that's on the end of the crankshaft? That's the starter clutch. There's a special tool to get it off the crank (it also serves as the flywheel nut) but you can often use large water pump pliers, vise grips, chain wrench, etc. Just don't kill it. Once it's off, open it up and clean the guts. Don't lose the balls. Do not lubricate the balls. Put a few drops on clean oil on the felt, and put it back together. Put a few drops of oil on the end of the shaft where it goes into the clutch, and reassemble.

Last edited by Doc Sprocket on November 9th 2013, 9:24 pm; edited 2 times in total
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3.5 Briggs Screeches. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3.5 Briggs Screeches.   3.5 Briggs Screeches. Icon_minitimeMay 27th 2013, 8:41 pm

I took the recoil apart because the spring was broke, and i cant make a video of the sound because the engine is getting rebuilt (need help on stuck sump cover). The screech is loud. Very loud. Extremely loud. Like waking up people across town. Im ill try the starter clutch, but i think its internally. But i can "borrow" parts from school, so ill replace the starter clutch, put it back together, and see if it works. Thanks a lot!
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3.5 Briggs Screeches. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3.5 Briggs Screeches.   3.5 Briggs Screeches. Icon_minitimeAugust 28th 2013, 2:59 pm

That wont make a difference, replacing the starter clutch if the shaft is dry/rusted. Its not internal believe me. If the motor turns smoothly and quietly with the flywheel cover off (save for natural valve click), its the clutch. I dont believe theres a invisible bolt, I think theres just the six bottom cover bolts. Two at the base of the cylinder, one at each corner of the block.
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3.5 Briggs Screeches. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3.5 Briggs Screeches.   3.5 Briggs Screeches. Icon_minitimeSeptember 3rd 2013, 10:34 pm

its possible something is rubbing onto something that it shouldnt be. IE the shroud touching the flywheel, or if it has a magneto, IT could be touching the flywheel
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Doc Sprocket
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3.5 Briggs Screeches. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3.5 Briggs Screeches.   3.5 Briggs Screeches. Icon_minitimeSeptember 4th 2013, 7:42 am

The OP hasn't touched this topic since May27th, nor posted at all since June. And yet, we're still throwing brain cells at this problem...
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3.5 Briggs Screeches. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3.5 Briggs Screeches.   3.5 Briggs Screeches. Icon_minitimeNovember 9th 2013, 7:51 pm

I know the OP isnt posting or anything but the reason is the starter rachet. actually the area between the crank and starter rachet. Take some emery cloth and clean up the crank and inside of the starter rachet. Like shiny clean. Put a few drops of ATF on the shaft and onto the felt pad inside the starter rachet and reinstall. Boom, no more squeal.
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Doc Sprocket
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3.5 Briggs Screeches. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3.5 Briggs Screeches.   3.5 Briggs Screeches. Icon_minitimeNovember 9th 2013, 9:26 pm

MoWheeler wrote:
I know the OP isnt posting or anything but the reason is the starter rachet. actually the area between the crank and starter rachet. Take some emery cloth and clean up the crank and inside of the starter rachet. Like shiny clean. Put a few drops of ATF on the shaft and onto the felt pad inside the starter rachet and reinstall. Boom, no more squeal.
Doc Sprocket wrote:
The OP hasn't touched this topic since May27th, nor posted at all since June. And yet, we're still throwing brain cells at this problem...
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Doc Sprocket
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Doc Sprocket
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3.5 Briggs Screeches. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3.5 Briggs Screeches.   3.5 Briggs Screeches. Icon_minitimeNovember 9th 2013, 9:27 pm

MoWheeler wrote:
I know the OP isnt posting or anything but the reason is the starter rachet. actually the area between the crank and starter rachet. Take some emery cloth and clean up the crank and inside of the starter rachet. Like shiny clean. Put a few drops of ATF on the shaft and onto the felt pad inside the starter rachet and reinstall. Boom, no more squeal.
Doc Sprocket wrote:
The OP hasn't touched this topic since May27th, nor posted at all since June. And yet, we're still throwing brain cells at this problem...
Doc Sprocket wrote:
You guys are on the right path- it's the starter clutch.

You'll need to take the recoil (pull start) off, which in this case should be permanently attached to the blower housing. Don't take it apart, just take the housing off. The recoil itself should be fine. Now- see that odd square drive deal that's on the end of the crankshaft? That's the starter clutch. There's a special tool to get it off the crank (it also serves as the flywheel nut) but you can often use large water pump pliers, vise grips, chain wrench, etc. Just don't kill it. Once it's off, open it up and clean the guts. Don't lose the balls. Do not lubricate the balls. Put a few drops on clean oil on the felt, and put it back together. Put a few drops of oil on the end of the shaft where it goes into the clutch, and reassemble.
I think this one's well covered...
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3.5 Briggs Screeches. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3.5 Briggs Screeches.   3.5 Briggs Screeches. Icon_minitime

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