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 My Brake Setup! works pretty good

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My Brake Setup! works pretty good Empty
PostSubject: My Brake Setup! works pretty good   My Brake Setup! works pretty good Icon_minitimeJune 20th 2013, 3:15 pm

This is how im running my brakes for now, got the pedal off an old go kart. and for linkage I used the stock brake spring connected to the stock brakes
My Brake Setup! works pretty good P6200410
My Brake Setup! works pretty good P6200411
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PostSubject: Re: My Brake Setup! works pretty good   My Brake Setup! works pretty good Icon_minitimeJune 20th 2013, 3:23 pm

I like having my brake split off on its own pedal.  We have upgraded to 10" disks on the rear axle and an aftermarket mechanical caliper.  Stops nice for a lot longer.

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PostSubject: Re: My Brake Setup! works pretty good   My Brake Setup! works pretty good Icon_minitimeJune 20th 2013, 3:26 pm

yeah man the best is to split them. but I plan on adding a disk brake but I saw this guy on here he bolted the disk straight to the stock transaxle rotor and it seems like that could work with the mechanical caliper too
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My Brake Setup! works pretty good Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Brake Setup! works pretty good   My Brake Setup! works pretty good Icon_minitimeJune 20th 2013, 4:29 pm

How well does the spring work in comparison to a solid rod?

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PostSubject: Re: My Brake Setup! works pretty good   My Brake Setup! works pretty good Icon_minitimeJune 20th 2013, 4:37 pm

the spring actually holds up pretty well it can lock my tires if needed but it brakes rather smoothly ,it also eliminates the need for a return spring . but im still in the testing fase
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PostSubject: Re: My Brake Setup! works pretty good   My Brake Setup! works pretty good Icon_minitimeJune 20th 2013, 7:07 pm

Bit of a odd way of doing it, but looks like it will work.  Gas and brake are swapped, so don't hit the wrong pedal at the wrong time!

I could see a larger rotor and caliper used on the stock location working.  Still may wear fast due to it spinning faster than the wheels.
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PostSubject: Re: My Brake Setup! works pretty good   My Brake Setup! works pretty good Icon_minitimeJune 20th 2013, 10:41 pm

Thanks stretch , yeah ive been trying to figure out how to put a bigger rotor and a mechanical caliper in the stock rotor still on the drawing board
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PostSubject: Re: My Brake Setup! works pretty good   My Brake Setup! works pretty good Icon_minitimeJune 20th 2013, 10:42 pm

Thanks stretch , yeah ive been trying to figure out how to put a bigger rotor and a mechanical caliper in the stock rotor still on the drawing board
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PostSubject: Re: My Brake Setup! works pretty good   My Brake Setup! works pretty good Icon_minitime

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My Brake Setup! works pretty good
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