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 21.5hp OHV I/C Platinum intek, Briggs and Stratton valve springs

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21.5hp OHV I/C Platinum intek, Briggs and Stratton valve springs  Empty
PostSubject: 21.5hp OHV I/C Platinum intek, Briggs and Stratton valve springs    21.5hp OHV I/C Platinum intek, Briggs and Stratton valve springs  Icon_minitimeJuly 21st 2013, 1:17 pm

Hey guys its been a while since I've been on here for the same reason I am posting today. About 8months ago I took my cylinder heads off because my valve was stuck closed. Well I fixed the valve but in the process the valve spring came off the cylinder head and I have no idea how to put it back on. I've looked for a new cylinder head but I cant find one anymore. So is there a way to put it back on???? The engine is off my LTX 1000 Craftsman. Ill post pics soon. Mower is looking sad not having left the garage in 8 months
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21.5hp OHV I/C Platinum intek, Briggs and Stratton valve springs  Empty
PostSubject: Re: 21.5hp OHV I/C Platinum intek, Briggs and Stratton valve springs    21.5hp OHV I/C Platinum intek, Briggs and Stratton valve springs  Icon_minitimeJuly 21st 2013, 2:29 pm

[img]21.5hp OHV I/C Platinum intek, Briggs and Stratton valve springs  Gopr0010[/img]
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21.5hp OHV I/C Platinum intek, Briggs and Stratton valve springs  Empty
PostSubject: Re: 21.5hp OHV I/C Platinum intek, Briggs and Stratton valve springs    21.5hp OHV I/C Platinum intek, Briggs and Stratton valve springs  Icon_minitimeJuly 21st 2013, 2:30 pm

[img]21.5hp OHV I/C Platinum intek, Briggs and Stratton valve springs  Gopr0011[/img]

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Age : 28
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21.5hp OHV I/C Platinum intek, Briggs and Stratton valve springs  Empty
PostSubject: Re: 21.5hp OHV I/C Platinum intek, Briggs and Stratton valve springs    21.5hp OHV I/C Platinum intek, Briggs and Stratton valve springs  Icon_minitimeJuly 21st 2013, 2:34 pm

[img]21.5hp OHV I/C Platinum intek, Briggs and Stratton valve springs  Gopr0012[/img]

There has to be a little piece missing because the valve doesnt go in the right size. Its smaller than the hole (sorry ive never messed with valves)

[img]21.5hp OHV I/C Platinum intek, Briggs and Stratton valve springs  Gopr0013[/img]

See the size difference

[img]21.5hp OHV I/C Platinum intek, Briggs and Stratton valve springs  Gopr0014[/img]

Heres a pic of the one with the little pieces.

[img]21.5hp OHV I/C Platinum intek, Briggs and Stratton valve springs  Gopr0015[/img]

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21.5hp OHV I/C Platinum intek, Briggs and Stratton valve springs  Empty
PostSubject: Re: 21.5hp OHV I/C Platinum intek, Briggs and Stratton valve springs    21.5hp OHV I/C Platinum intek, Briggs and Stratton valve springs  Icon_minitimeJuly 21st 2013, 3:02 pm

Yep- the keepers are missing. They should have been in there when you took it apart.
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Craftsman Dude
Craftsman Dude

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21.5hp OHV I/C Platinum intek, Briggs and Stratton valve springs  Empty
PostSubject: Re: 21.5hp OHV I/C Platinum intek, Briggs and Stratton valve springs    21.5hp OHV I/C Platinum intek, Briggs and Stratton valve springs  Icon_minitimeJuly 21st 2013, 5:46 pm

Could you take a pic of the small pieces you mentioned?
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Craftsman Dude
Craftsman Dude

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PostSubject: Re: 21.5hp OHV I/C Platinum intek, Briggs and Stratton valve springs    21.5hp OHV I/C Platinum intek, Briggs and Stratton valve springs  Icon_minitimeJuly 21st 2013, 6:07 pm

I belive the small pieces you mentioned are the retainers .

To re-install place them in the washer and push the washer down until they fall into place around the shaft. Then slowly release pressure on the washer until they seat in the groove on the valve stem. I tried to find a pic to help but was unsuccessful. You may need a valve spring compressor for this but you may be able to do it by hand.
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PostSubject: Re: 21.5hp OHV I/C Platinum intek, Briggs and Stratton valve springs    21.5hp OHV I/C Platinum intek, Briggs and Stratton valve springs  Icon_minitimeJuly 22nd 2013, 3:08 pm

I lost them when it broke....
Where can I buy new ones????
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21.5hp OHV I/C Platinum intek, Briggs and Stratton valve springs  Empty
PostSubject: Re: 21.5hp OHV I/C Platinum intek, Briggs and Stratton valve springs    21.5hp OHV I/C Platinum intek, Briggs and Stratton valve springs  Icon_minitimeJuly 22nd 2013, 4:00 pm

Online or at a parts store should work. If not you might be able to make a pair
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Craftsman Dude
Craftsman Dude

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PostSubject: Re: 21.5hp OHV I/C Platinum intek, Briggs and Stratton valve springs    21.5hp OHV I/C Platinum intek, Briggs and Stratton valve springs  Icon_minitimeJuly 22nd 2013, 4:54 pm

If you take the code of your engine you can find them on line at jacks small engine , repair clinic or other websites that deal in small engines. You might be able to get them through a parts store but they will have to order it or find a local small engine repair shop and they should be able to order them and install them for you if you like.
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Age : 28
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21.5hp OHV I/C Platinum intek, Briggs and Stratton valve springs  Empty
PostSubject: Re: 21.5hp OHV I/C Platinum intek, Briggs and Stratton valve springs    21.5hp OHV I/C Platinum intek, Briggs and Stratton valve springs  Icon_minitimeJuly 22nd 2013, 10:37 pm

I painted the engine so I cant see the number. Sucks
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21.5hp OHV I/C Platinum intek, Briggs and Stratton valve springs  Empty
PostSubject: Re: 21.5hp OHV I/C Platinum intek, Briggs and Stratton valve springs    21.5hp OHV I/C Platinum intek, Briggs and Stratton valve springs  Icon_minitime

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21.5hp OHV I/C Platinum intek, Briggs and Stratton valve springs
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