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 Briggs 19HP Fuel&Oil out of air cleaner?

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Briggs 19HP Fuel&Oil out of air cleaner? Empty
PostSubject: Briggs 19HP Fuel&Oil out of air cleaner?   Briggs 19HP Fuel&Oil out of air cleaner? Icon_minitimeSeptember 30th 2013, 4:50 pm

I have a Briggs 19HP engine, and it has not been running right. I just went to take a look at it, took the air filter off, and when I tried to run it, it started to send fuel out of the air cleaner area. I dont know what this is, and I would like some help. Thanks,
Let me know if you need more info.
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Briggs 19HP Fuel&Oil out of air cleaner? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Briggs 19HP Fuel&Oil out of air cleaner?   Briggs 19HP Fuel&Oil out of air cleaner? Icon_minitimeSeptember 30th 2013, 4:56 pm

That would be blowby you are getting fuel in your oil first of all don't run it till fixed, clean the carb, I would rebuild the carb actually, change the oil then run it for a little check oil if no fuel then good but if not you got more problems let me know if that happens and I will help you out
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Doc Sprocket
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Briggs 19HP Fuel&Oil out of air cleaner? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Briggs 19HP Fuel&Oil out of air cleaner?   Briggs 19HP Fuel&Oil out of air cleaner? Icon_minitimeSeptember 30th 2013, 7:12 pm

Step one- check the oil. You're looking for two things. Is it too full? If the oil level is too high, crankcase pressure will force the oil thru the PCV system into the carb. If it's a simple case of overfilling it, simply let out some oil until the level is proper. Now- Smell and feel the oil in your fingers. If it feels too thin and/or smells like gasoline, you've a different problem. The carb is flooding, the surplus gas is going into the oil, which brings the level too high- and blows past the PCV into the carb.

If THAT is the case, you have to examine your carb. Normally, this would be caused by the fuel inlet needle not seating correctly, the float level not set right, or the float not floating. Before running the engine again, change the oil. Fuel-thinned oil has lost it's lubricity and is very damaging to the engine.

By the way- "Blow-by" is NOT defined as fuel getting past the rings. Blow-by is combustion gasses getting past the rings. It can be caused by excessive carbon buildup in the ring lands, excessively worn rings, or cylinder wear. Indeed, excessive blow-by can ALSO force oil up through the PCV, but let's not confuse the term.
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Briggs 19HP Fuel&Oil out of air cleaner? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Briggs 19HP Fuel&Oil out of air cleaner?   Briggs 19HP Fuel&Oil out of air cleaner? Icon_minitimeSeptember 30th 2013, 9:13 pm

like doc said, it sounds like your float is not working. now, as far as it spitting back at you, that most likely is your valve clearances. is it a flathead or OHV?
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Briggs 19HP Fuel&Oil out of air cleaner? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Briggs 19HP Fuel&Oil out of air cleaner?   Briggs 19HP Fuel&Oil out of air cleaner? Icon_minitime

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