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 Engine Paint?

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PostSubject: Engine Paint?   Engine Paint? Icon_minitimeNovember 7th 2013, 4:06 pm

Can I paint a briggs engine? will it affect the cooling? and another question does rust affect the stators performance?
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TroyBilt Pony
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TroyBilt Pony
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PostSubject: Re: Engine Paint?   Engine Paint? Icon_minitimeNovember 7th 2013, 4:13 pm

WilliesBuilds wrote:
Can I paint a briggs engine? will it affect the cooling? and another question does rust affect the stators performance?
Yes you can paint a briggs engine if you clean it very well with hi temp paint.. Rust can affect the stators performance by not allowing it to make a solid connection one a pass by. But if it still works.. the difference is minimal.
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PostSubject: Re: Engine Paint?   Engine Paint? Icon_minitimeNovember 7th 2013, 4:20 pm

I get free black engine paint here at my job so I guess ill try that out and see whats up . and i removed my flywheel and stator and they were extremely rusty so I was wondering how that would affect
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TroyBilt Pony
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PostSubject: Re: Engine Paint?   Engine Paint? Icon_minitimeNovember 7th 2013, 4:27 pm

if your worried about it.. take either a stiff wire brush thats not super course.. or some 120 grit sand paper and just scuff the rust off.. Engine paint will decrease the engine value.. but if you don't plan on selling it.. give it a wire..
I polished a briggs 14.5 for a old client who needed the governor fixed.. so he had me polish it up for his tractor. It turned out pretty good.. i don't know how long it will last tho.. Because he died a month later and his sons took it even tho i told them the old man wanted me to have his "baby" which was a Simplicity 6012 i think??? Same thing my buddy just bought...
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PostSubject: Re: Engine Paint?   Engine Paint? Icon_minitimeNovember 7th 2013, 4:29 pm

TroyBilt Pony wrote:
if your worried about it.. take either a stiff wire brush thats not super course.. or some 120 grit sand paper and just scuff the rust off.. Engine paint will decrease the engine value.. but if you don't plan on selling it.. give it a wire..
I polished a briggs 14.5 for a old client who needed the governor fixed.. so he had me polish it up for his tractor. It turned out pretty good.. i don't know how long it will last tho.. Because he died a month later and his sons took it even tho i told them the old man wanted me to have his "baby" which was a Simplicity 6012 i think??? Same thing my buddy just bought...
Thats why i dont mess with any of my engines paint wise..... i knew if i cant sell the tractor as a whole (if i ever want to some day) i could sell the engine
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Age : 28
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PostSubject: Re: Engine Paint?   Engine Paint? Icon_minitimeNovember 7th 2013, 4:37 pm

i will be posting a picture of my painted fly wheel and a pic of the engine as it sits now and I will post it in my build thread
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Doc Sprocket
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PostSubject: Re: Engine Paint?   Engine Paint? Icon_minitimeNovember 7th 2013, 5:09 pm

WilliesBuilds wrote:
Can I paint a briggs engine? will it affect the cooling? and another question does rust affect the stators performance?
I have heard indications over the years that a light coat of flat black enamel actually improves thermal transfer efficiency. The increase would be minimal at best, but yes- you certainly can paint it- avoid the temptation to apply multiple coats or allow a heavy build.

It would take a LOT of rust to hinder either the stator or the ignition coil. To be safe, clean it up a bit and call it good.
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Age : 28
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PostSubject: Re: Engine Paint?   Engine Paint? Icon_minitimeNovember 8th 2013, 8:07 am

yeah doc im gonna have to try that then lets see how it goes
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PostSubject: Re: Engine Paint?   Engine Paint? Icon_minitime

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