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 Does anyone haul a seperate tractor with another?

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Does anyone haul a seperate tractor with another? Empty
PostSubject: Does anyone haul a seperate tractor with another?   Does anyone haul a seperate tractor with another? Icon_minitimeFebruary 25th 2010, 8:38 pm

When going muddin,sometimes I tow one of my rigs on my trailer incase I need to pull myself out (if a freinds not with me) or incase I break something and I have to load it up and haul er home.
Any of you guys do that?
It comes in handy.
I haven't been able to do it since my 17HP Briggs started leaking oil faster than I can pour it in,cause of a bad base gasket.
Soon I'll be back at it because I'll have the new gasket in the mail.
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Does anyone haul a seperate tractor with another? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does anyone haul a seperate tractor with another?   Does anyone haul a seperate tractor with another? Icon_minitimeFebruary 26th 2010, 6:36 am

It sounds like a good idea- specially if youre some distance from home- hate to be pushing a broken tractor home.

Back north i just had the one mudding tractor, and it was down in the field behind thier house- wasnt too far to push home. When i got it stuck ( a few times) - i hopped off in the mud n pushed it out with it in gear.
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Does anyone haul a seperate tractor with another? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does anyone haul a seperate tractor with another?   Does anyone haul a seperate tractor with another? Icon_minitimeFebruary 26th 2010, 8:11 am

Bring a friend and a piece of chain! My friend's mtd blew a belt and I had no chain or rope, so we used the old MTD belt. I towed his machine with him riding it, and one of the front tires had sized up on it, with my tractor in 3rd gear for about a half mile. It was intresting to say the least, it streched out my belt a little bit. Rolling Eyes
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Does anyone haul a seperate tractor with another? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does anyone haul a seperate tractor with another?   Does anyone haul a seperate tractor with another? Icon_minitimeFebruary 26th 2010, 11:11 am

I usually used to go mudding with someone else there. My almost stock machien would get stuck so easily anyway, and I used to drive it into stupid areas that I knew it wouldn't have a chance. That's why a rear mounted winch is useful. It's on my shopping list.

I've towed tractors using old mower belts before, they can take some strain to say the least!

I've always fancied making a recovery mower, with big tyres and large bumpers front and back to push stuff with. An all round machine that would be used for towing junk tractors too.
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Age : 29
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Does anyone haul a seperate tractor with another? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does anyone haul a seperate tractor with another?   Does anyone haul a seperate tractor with another? Icon_minitimeFebruary 26th 2010, 4:07 pm

Yeah that's sorta what i want to do with my murray,a recoverey mower/tow truck/mud machiene lol.
I never leave home without atleast 2 ropes with me.
And when I do have a freind with me,i'll have him drive a lawn mower.
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Does anyone haul a seperate tractor with another? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does anyone haul a seperate tractor with another?   Does anyone haul a seperate tractor with another? Icon_minitimeFebruary 26th 2010, 4:08 pm

Ha,i've definatly towed another broke mower home
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Does anyone haul a seperate tractor with another? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does anyone haul a seperate tractor with another?   Does anyone haul a seperate tractor with another? Icon_minitimeFebruary 26th 2010, 6:34 pm

Few years back i had to tow pops mower up from the field after he blew up the motor - didnt have rope- chain he had was too long n heavy- so i used a ratchet strap to tow it back to the shed- worked pretty good.
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Does anyone haul a seperate tractor with another? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does anyone haul a seperate tractor with another?   Does anyone haul a seperate tractor with another? Icon_minitimeMay 25th 2010, 6:19 pm

unfourtunatly i dont have another tractor, but my mate and brother and me can usually haul my tractor out of whatever stupid mess i get in I love you tongue
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Age : 29
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Does anyone haul a seperate tractor with another? Empty
PostSubject: me   Does anyone haul a seperate tractor with another? Icon_minitimeOctober 22nd 2011, 7:13 am

I always have two mowers that work but they may not both be suted to pull the other one and one may be geting fixed or my dad has a skid loader.
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Does anyone haul a seperate tractor with another? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does anyone haul a seperate tractor with another?   Does anyone haul a seperate tractor with another? Icon_minitime

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Does anyone haul a seperate tractor with another?
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