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 Custom Snorkel for Craftsman

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Nico K
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PostSubject: Custom Snorkel for Craftsman   Custom Snorkel for Craftsman Icon_minitimeDecember 7th 2013, 8:33 am

Recently I've been working on a custom snorkel for my Craftsman LT2000 Mud Mower and need a little help. I have a peice of white pool hose and clamps but am having trouble mounting the hose onto the carb. Any Ideas?

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PostSubject: Re: Custom Snorkel for Craftsman   Custom Snorkel for Craftsman Icon_minitimeDecember 7th 2013, 8:35 am

Have a pic of the carb opening?

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PostSubject: Re: Custom Snorkel for Craftsman   Custom Snorkel for Craftsman Icon_minitimeDecember 7th 2013, 9:05 am

Custom Snorkel for Craftsman 00711 17 horse briggs single
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PostSubject: Re: Custom Snorkel for Craftsman   Custom Snorkel for Craftsman Icon_minitimeDecember 7th 2013, 9:27 am

You basically have two choices- get rid of the lower half of that filter box and mount directly to the carb, or put the upper box back on, make a hole in it, and mount to that. Either way, you've got a bit of fab work ahead of you. Whatever you do, fint a way to incorporate a filter into the design.
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PostSubject: Re: Custom Snorkel for Craftsman   Custom Snorkel for Craftsman Icon_minitimeDecember 7th 2013, 11:25 am

x2 on what doc says. cut a hole with a holesaw on a drill, just a tad smaller and you could probably thread a piece in or make a flange or something. i would go this route so you dont have to re-locate the air filter too
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PostSubject: Re: Custom Snorkel for Craftsman   Custom Snorkel for Craftsman Icon_minitimeDecember 7th 2013, 11:53 am

you can't just knock a hole in the upper airbox cover, pipe it, and have it be waterproof/resistant. The underside of these boxes is full of holes, just like 3 - 4hp mower engines with tank top carbs. The same goes for both foam and paper filters. Taking the entire two piece assembly off will give you a better idea how to waterproof it and plumb up a schnoerkel.

I'd suggest covering the bottom holes with JB-Welded vent duct sheet metal, making sure you got all the holes covered, then smear a bead of weatherproof silicone around the perimeter of the plate. After that I'd do as everyone else is saying, put a pipe out of the top half of the box. I'd suggest leaving the filter element in the box so any crud in your pipe wont be breathed, but a secondary filter on the pipe end wouldn't hurt.

Now that I think of it though, the seal between the top and bottom airbox halves isn't exactly water tight, let alone air tight, so you might just end up putting pipe on the carb flange where the box meets it. in that case I'd drill a hole in the back of a 90* elbow, so I can somehow use the original airbox screw to hold it on the carb, silicone seal it to the carb, and run rubber pipe from that.
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PostSubject: Re: Custom Snorkel for Craftsman   Custom Snorkel for Craftsman Icon_minitimeDecember 7th 2013, 1:02 pm


Your engine has the newer style airbox. flat plastic bottom, plastic box upper, with a paper element. In your case you'll just end up making a flange going to the carb inlet and running pipe from there. Remove your airbox lower half, and you'll be left with a bare opening of the carb, the choke plate will be right there. Make a plastic two bolt flange to go where the airbox outlet was, stick a plastic pipe section [approx. 1" long] on the flange, bind the two together and run rubber hose to where you want your air inlet. I prefer rubber hose for snorkels cause vibration won't loosen glue joints and you can run it anywhere you can secure it with a gear clamp. My last post only applies to older engines with stamped steel air boxes.

One downside to this is you'll have to find a new way to operate your remote choke [if you have this mod], since the plastic airbox lower half has the mount point for the cable.

Last edited by jack9102 on December 7th 2013, 1:07 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Custom Snorkel for Craftsman   Custom Snorkel for Craftsman Icon_minitimeDecember 7th 2013, 1:06 pm

You could use that part that you show in the pic, fit a PVC pipe over the holt that leads to the carb, and jd weld it there. cu the rest of it off and just go off the PVC you put on there.
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PostSubject: Thanks!   Custom Snorkel for Craftsman Icon_minitimeDecember 22nd 2013, 4:00 pm

Thanks for all the help! I think ill cover up all the holes in the top peice and drill a hole with the hole saw! Very Happy 
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PostSubject: Re: Custom Snorkel for Craftsman   Custom Snorkel for Craftsman Icon_minitime

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