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 Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider

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PostSubject: Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider   rear - Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider Icon_minitimeJanuary 8th 2014, 9:26 pm

Ok to start out this thing started as a 1995 murray ultra with a 12hp briggs and a 30in deck. I got it a few months ago for 60 dollars with the running 12hp briggs on it. I put that on my other rer ''the swamp rat'' and let this thing sit for a few months. A few days after christmas i bought a 5.5hp predator for it to get it running around again. I never really planned on making it this lol it kinda just happened.
rear - Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider IMAG0806_zpsd87531f4
When i first got it it looked like that. I debeaded a tire romping it the first day, it wasn't to good at doing any thing either with the stock pulleys and tires.

rear - Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider 1496078_695786763786427_1655326179_o_zps740fbcbc
The other day i put these tires on the back ( the front ones have been on it since i debeaded the stock tire) I figured it was gonna be a off roader

rear - Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider 1_zps2b6e9751
Well i thought what if i lower the steering wheel and the seat. So i did a mock up of what it would look like and kinda liked it.

rear - Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider 1_zpsed69f68d
So i chopped the steering wheel and put the other stock tire on the front

rear - Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider 1_zps0015276a
Then yesterday i lowered the front, made the axle solid, and made it direct steer.

rear - Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider IMG_20140107_152413_314_zpsffxhjsuf

Then i lower the steering wheel more and lower the shifter more and black out this side wheels lol.

rear - Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider IMG_20140107_152524_193_zpsoyra4adm
console thing on

rear - Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider IMG_20140108_195806_679_zpsymwi2dam

I also moved the clutch peddle some. So it wasn't in such a bad spot when sitting on it.

All i gotta do now is get bolts to mount the motor, take my pulley i got for it back, and hook up the cheap throttle i got for it at home depot.
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2014 Build-Off Entrant
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PostSubject: Re: Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider   rear - Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider Icon_minitimeJanuary 9th 2014, 6:42 am

Weres the motor lol
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2014 Build-Off Entrant
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PostSubject: Re: Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider   rear - Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider Icon_minitimeJanuary 9th 2014, 7:58 am

GenevaCustoms wrote:
Weres the motor lol

Its a invisible diesel v twin lmao. I gotta get bolts for the motor and a pulley for it and it will be on there. The motor is gonna be a 5.5hp predator from harbor fright.
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PostSubject: Re: Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider   rear - Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider Icon_minitimeJanuary 9th 2014, 11:25 am

rer's mud pretty good when their stock, mine'll go thru stuff my craftsman wont touch.

OTOH have fun zipping around with 5.5HP, thats probly not enough
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PostSubject: Re: Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider   rear - Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider Icon_minitimeJanuary 9th 2014, 12:13 pm

Cool mower
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1997 Murray
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PostSubject: Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine    rear - Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider Icon_minitimeJanuary 9th 2014, 1:08 pm

the only reason I still have a rer, cause if you have big enought tires on the front you will go thew anything.
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Lawren Wimberly
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Lawren Wimberly
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2014 Build-Off Entrant
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PostSubject: Re: Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider   rear - Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider Icon_minitimeJanuary 9th 2014, 3:00 pm

Some unaskedfor advise? stretch the thing some. a longer wheelbase will help keep the front end down, and the shiny side up
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2014 Build-Off Entrant
2014 Build-Off Entrant
2015 Build-Off Entrant
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PostSubject: Re: Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider   rear - Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider Icon_minitimeJanuary 9th 2014, 6:08 pm

1997 Murray wrote:
the only reason I still have a rer, cause if you have big enought tires on the front you will go thew anything.
Most karts only have 5 horses
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2014 Build-Off Entrant
2014 Build-Off Entrant

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PostSubject: Re: Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider   rear - Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider Icon_minitimeJanuary 9th 2014, 10:54 pm

crafsmankiller wrote:
rer's mud pretty good when their stock, mine'll go thru stuff my craftsman wont touch.

OTOH have fun zipping around with 5.5HP, thats probly not enough

I'm not sure what your talking about going through because the reason i modded my other one so much is because it didn't do good. For the engine it should be plenty enough power, its a rer its LIGHT and tires are super small.
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2014 Build-Off Entrant
2014 Build-Off Entrant

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PostSubject: Re: Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider   rear - Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider Icon_minitimeJanuary 9th 2014, 10:58 pm

1997 Murray wrote:
the only reason I still have a rer, cause if you have big enought tires on the front you will go thew anything.

Not sure if i agree with that lol
rear - Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider Swamprat_zpsc95f19f0

This one has tons of mods but is far from unstable. But they do a lot better with some tav tires in the back for sure, i had been running turfs till now and i won't ever go back lol.
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2014 Build-Off Entrant
2014 Build-Off Entrant

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rear - Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider Empty
PostSubject: Re: Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider   rear - Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider Icon_minitimeJanuary 9th 2014, 10:59 pm

Lawren Wimberly wrote:
Some unaskedfor advise? stretch the thing some. a longer wheelbase will help keep the front end down, and the shiny side up
I was thinking about that but not sure yet. it shouldn't wanna wheely to bad with the motor on the back but i may have to see, thanks for the advise lol.
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PostSubject: Re: Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider   rear - Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider Icon_minitimeJanuary 10th 2014, 11:22 am

cumminsbayou wrote:
crafsmankiller wrote:
rer's mud pretty good when their stock, mine'll go thru stuff my craftsman wont touch.

OTOH have fun zipping around with 5.5HP, thats probly not enough

I'm not sure what your talking about going through because the reason i modded my other one so much is because it didn't do good. For the engine it should be plenty enough power, its a rer its LIGHT and tires are super small.

mine will go thru a foot of water+6 inches of muck no problem, my craftsman gets stuc in 2inches of mud with the same tires.
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Lawren Wimberly
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Lawren Wimberly
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PostSubject: Re: Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider   rear - Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider Icon_minitimeJanuary 10th 2014, 1:23 pm

[/quote]I was thinking about that but not sure yet. it shouldn't wanna wheely to bad with the motor on the back but i may have to see, thanks for the advise lol.[/quote]

on the contrary, RER's are USED for wheelie machines. putting your butt AND the motor that close to the rear axle gives it great traction, but little downward weight on the front. This helps to lift the thing over obstacles, and keep the front on top of the mud, but any time ya get some good bite with the rear tires it's gonna try to wheelie. A skitplate that extends out under and behind the motor would help limit the amount of "climb" ya get, and could help keep your butt planted where it belongs, instead of on the ground
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PostSubject: Re: Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider   rear - Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider Icon_minitimeJanuary 13th 2014, 11:51 am

Lawren Wimberly wrote:
I was thinking about that but not sure yet. it shouldn't wanna wheely to bad with the motor on the back but i may have to see, thanks for the advise lol.[/quote]

on the contrary, RER's are USED for wheelie machines. putting your butt AND the motor that close to the rear axle gives it great traction, but little downward weight on the front. This helps to lift the thing over obstacles, and keep the front on top of the mud, but any time ya get some good bite with the rear tires it's gonna try to wheelie. A skitplate that extends out under and behind the motor would help limit the amount of "climb" ya get, and could help keep your butt planted where it belongs, instead of on the ground[/quote]

thats what i wanted to type but i was to lazy to type all that
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rear - Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider Empty
PostSubject: Re: Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider   rear - Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider Icon_minitimeJanuary 13th 2014, 12:25 pm

See the pic for my avatar?  That's a RER wheelie machine.   We lowered the seat and steering wheel, then relocated the battery up front.  Now it keeps the front wheels on the ground.  You can still do a wheelie, but you really got to try, and it doesn't come up very far.  

See the second link in my sig for a complete build of this one, similar to yours.
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Age : 25
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PostSubject: Re: Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider   rear - Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider Icon_minitimeJune 23rd 2014, 9:24 am

Yes, someone finally is building an rer... rear engine racer. looking good man.
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PostSubject: Re: Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider   rear - Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider Icon_minitime

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Project "pure dickered'' redneck speed racer rear engine rider
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