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 THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™

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untrusty huskee
untrusty huskee

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THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Empty
PostSubject: THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™   THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Icon_minitimeJanuary 12th 2014, 8:17 pm

I am using a mtd frame, what I have all ready done to it is, gutted the hole thing and I had split the frame so that it slides back in the back part of the frame so that the motor ( an 8hp for now ) and in time that motor will be a 40 cude, the trans is one from a mtd with a variator so it only has for word and revers, I will be using a ragerlar lawn mower belt clutch. I will be welding a chopper bicycle to the front in turn turning it into a trike.I will be using a 8" pulley on the trans and a 3" on the motor. I will use the rageular brakes that are on the trans, um I will have update videos on my . then I am hoping to make this in school at our welding shop. I'm not going to put the variator back in I'm only gunna have for words and revers, I had the idea and its gust for having fun on. I might paint it military green and black and the name is Te Drill Sargent.

Last edited by untrusty huskee on August 29th 2014, 3:36 pm; edited 6 times in total
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richie thomas
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THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Empty
PostSubject: Re: THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™   THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Icon_minitimeJanuary 12th 2014, 8:25 pm

untrusty huskee wrote:
I am using a mtd frame, what I have all ready done to it is, gutted the hole thing and I had split the frame so that it slides back in the back part of the frame so that the motor ( an 8hp for now ) and in time that motor will be a 40 cude, the trans is one from a mtd with a variator so it only has for word and revers, I will be using a ragerlar lawn mower belt clutch. I will be welding a chopper bicycle to the front in turn turning it into a trike.I will be using a 8" pully on the trans and a 3" on the motor. I will use the rageular brakes that are on the trans, um I will have update videos on my . then I am hoping to make this in school at our welding shop. I'm not going to put the variator back in I'm only gunna have for words and revers, I had the idea and its gust for having fun on. I might paint it military green and black and the name is trike commander.
we're gone need pics
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untrusty huskee
untrusty huskee

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THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Empty
PostSubject: Re: THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™   THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Icon_minitimeJanuary 12th 2014, 8:52 pm

heres the frame that i will be using, but i still have to get the chopper

bTHIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ <a href=THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Unname13" />ike.
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Doc Sprocket
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THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Empty
PostSubject: Re: THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™   THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Icon_minitimeJanuary 12th 2014, 9:07 pm

Your sign almost put me into a seizure- and I'm not even epileptic! LOL

Welcome to the build-off. I very strongly urge you to consider better brakes than factory- first, for your own safety, second- you'll have to demonstrate your brakes work to qualify as a finisher for voting.
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untrusty huskee
untrusty huskee

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THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Empty
PostSubject: Re: THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™   THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Icon_minitimeJanuary 12th 2014, 9:16 pm

like i said up above, i will also be posting updates on this project on youtube and the finishing video on here for the final voting, and the video will not only be a demonstration i will also drive it and try to get a top speed run, but thank you for qualifying this build
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THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Empty
PostSubject: Re: THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™   THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Icon_minitimeJanuary 13th 2014, 9:55 pm

This build should be interesting, and if finished, maybe a little bit dangerous.... good luck!
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untrusty huskee
untrusty huskee

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THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Empty
PostSubject: Re: THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™   THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Icon_minitimeJanuary 13th 2014, 9:59 pm

I'm not really looking for speed on this build, but just something to do and have fun on
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THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Empty
PostSubject: Re: THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™   THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Icon_minitimeJanuary 15th 2014, 12:59 pm

Cool blend, Good Luck!
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untrusty huskee
untrusty huskee

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THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Empty
PostSubject: Re: THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™   THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Icon_minitimeJanuary 16th 2014, 10:17 am

heres the mock up of the frame, i will be getting to work on it more real soon

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THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Empty
PostSubject: Re: THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™   THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Icon_minitimeJanuary 22nd 2014, 8:37 pm

Nifty idea. Good luck.
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untrusty huskee
untrusty huskee

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THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Empty
PostSubject: Re: THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™   THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Icon_minitimeJanuary 25th 2014, 9:29 pm

Here's the chopper frame finally!

THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ IMJ_20140125_153400
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THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Empty
PostSubject: Re: THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™   THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Icon_minitimeJanuary 25th 2014, 9:30 pm

untrusty huskee wrote:
Here's the chopper frame finally!

THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ IMJ_20140125_153400

Where  Very Happy 
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untrusty huskee
untrusty huskee

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THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Empty
PostSubject: Re: THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™   THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Icon_minitimeJanuary 26th 2014, 12:49 pm

Sorry I guess my tablit won't let me upload pictures but here's my update, and what my planes are for it. ( a little bit more indepet )

And here's a picture of what I want the colors seem to look like

THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ <a href=THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Img_6411" />

Then here's a rough mock up of what the build should look like

THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ <a href=THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Img_2010" />
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THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Empty
PostSubject: Re: THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™   THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Icon_minitimeJanuary 26th 2014, 4:10 pm

Mock up looks good, the video won't work, says it's private only.
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untrusty huskee
untrusty huskee

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THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Empty
PostSubject: Re: THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™   THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Icon_minitimeJanuary 26th 2014, 5:39 pm

now try it, my channel is being real dumb and i cant see why
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untrusty huskee
untrusty huskee

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THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Empty
PostSubject: Re: THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™   THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Icon_minitimeJanuary 29th 2014, 10:34 pm

I had bolted the frame and the sub frame together and had mounted the running boards

THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ <a href=THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Img_2011" />
THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ <a href=THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Img_2012" />

Last edited by untrusty huskee on January 31st 2014, 12:15 pm; edited 1 time in total
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THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Empty
PostSubject: Re: THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™   THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Icon_minitimeJanuary 29th 2014, 10:39 pm

i cant help but notice your gascan is a bit ferfriggsakesed... i hate those new cans. i drilled a hole in mine, fished a valve stem through it, so i just undo the cap and it freeflows
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1997 Murray
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THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Empty
PostSubject: mtd trike..... the commanding trike ™   THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Icon_minitimeJanuary 30th 2014, 10:36 am

"running birds"? autocorrect? lol looking good.
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untrusty huskee
untrusty huskee

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THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Empty
PostSubject: Re: THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™   THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Icon_minitimeFebruary 20th 2014, 12:12 pm

i had finally got the frame and everything else at my school, and now i will be uploading pics when i will have his class next. and im hoping that he will let me do a video update.
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untrusty huskee
untrusty huskee

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THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Empty
PostSubject: Re: THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™   THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Icon_minitimeFebruary 27th 2014, 5:01 pm

Can any body tell me what kind of trans this it
THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ <a href=THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Img_2016" />
THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ <a href=THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Img_2018" />
THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ <a href=THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Img_2026" />
I had looked it over and I could not find any markings no tags no nothing all I know is that its a 5 speed. Here's my vid of it.

Last edited by untrusty huskee on February 27th 2014, 5:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
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THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Empty
PostSubject: Re: THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™   THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Icon_minitimeFebruary 27th 2014, 5:06 pm

800 series (like a 801 or along the lines)
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untrusty huskee
untrusty huskee

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THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Empty
PostSubject: Re: THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™   THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Icon_minitimeFebruary 27th 2014, 5:13 pm

Started cutting the chopper frame. Actually its all cut but I ha e to take a picture of it later. Then I had cut the mtd frame flush with a plasma cutter.

THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ <a href=THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Img_2020" />
THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ <a href=THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Img_2021" />
THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ <a href=THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Img_2022" />
THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ <a href=THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Img_2024" />
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untrusty huskee
untrusty huskee

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THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Empty
PostSubject: Re: THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™   THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Icon_minitimeMarch 1st 2014, 9:54 pm

I had got new lights for this, I had wanted to get these along time ago.... And I think they will look cool on the front forks.
THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ <a href=THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Fb_img10" />
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untrusty huskee
untrusty huskee

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THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Empty
PostSubject: Re: THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™   THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Icon_minitimeMarch 4th 2014, 9:21 pm

Pic of the cut chopper frame,

[img]THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Img_2027[/img]

And here is the chopper frame just sitting under the mtd,

[img]THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Img_2028[/img]

Then I had took an old school desk and made it into my seat,

[img]THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Img_2029[/img]
[img]THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Img_2030[/img]
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untrusty huskee
untrusty huskee

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PostSubject: Re: THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™   THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Icon_minitimeMarch 6th 2014, 5:39 pm

A quick YouTube video

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PostSubject: Re: THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™   THIS BUILD IS FINISHED: mtd trike..... The Drill Sargent ™ Icon_minitime

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