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 Can you Put Dual carbs on a twin cylender engine?

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Can you Put Dual carbs on a twin cylender engine? Empty
PostSubject: Can you Put Dual carbs on a twin cylender engine?   Can you Put Dual carbs on a twin cylender engine? Icon_minitimeFebruary 27th 2010, 7:54 pm

I saw on some offroad tractor site this guy used two carbs on his opposed twin motor - i have those carbs and parts to do it- ive just never tried or had time to sit n figure it out- id use my 18HP off the kleen kut as a experement- only real issue i see is hooking the governer up. Itll also be on my 'list'- LOL!
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Can you Put Dual carbs on a twin cylender engine? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can you Put Dual carbs on a twin cylender engine?   Can you Put Dual carbs on a twin cylender engine? Icon_minitimeFebruary 28th 2010, 6:00 am

Not another project one your list! lol

Do you mean two carbs into one manifold, or seperate carbs on each cylinder? It would give it alot more power I would think, but you;d need to keep them tuned identically!
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Can you Put Dual carbs on a twin cylender engine? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can you Put Dual carbs on a twin cylender engine?   Can you Put Dual carbs on a twin cylender engine? Icon_minitimeFebruary 28th 2010, 8:06 am

I like the ITB's that this guy did. It has a really neat sound. They look like motorcycle carbs.


If you could pull that off, It would be pretty awsome! I donno how you would get your air/fuel ratio "spot on"... Just say screw the carb's, and throw on some fuel injection! lol
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Can you Put Dual carbs on a twin cylender engine? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can you Put Dual carbs on a twin cylender engine?   Can you Put Dual carbs on a twin cylender engine? Icon_minitimeFebruary 28th 2010, 12:35 pm

Chunk : it would be a carb on each cylender- it couldnt be any worse then a single carb feeding both cylenders- im surprised they run as good as they do actually.

Fearlessfront : Yeah most racers mod the intake to run either a motorcycle or snowmobile carb for better response/more power- i think EFI would be too much to try n figure out- youd need a timing sensor and other sensors- if someone could find a EFI twin cylender off a motorcycle, thatd be a head start in trying to sort out that wiring nitemare.... and i dont think the puter would like mud n water either- LOL!
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Can you Put Dual carbs on a twin cylender engine? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can you Put Dual carbs on a twin cylender engine?   Can you Put Dual carbs on a twin cylender engine? Icon_minitime

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Can you Put Dual carbs on a twin cylender engine?
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