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 Welding help Needed..

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PostSubject: Welding help Needed..   Welding help Needed.. Icon_minitimeFri 31 Dec 2010, 7:21 pm

I just was given a Millermatic 135 welder.. It is a mig.. My girlfriends dad.. affraid Very Happy I almost Sh*t.. I was so happy.. The only problem is that I have never used a MIG welder before. I used an old fassioned Stick welder like 7 years ago. I was going to use Flux wire with it but can I use regular wire without gas?. I was wondering if you guys have any tips or things that I should pick up.. I will be getting a welding helmet and gloves along with a fire extinguisher.. Thanks guys and happy New Year
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PostSubject: Re: Welding help Needed..   Welding help Needed.. Icon_minitimeFri 31 Dec 2010, 8:12 pm

Have to use flux wire w/o the gas - wont weld w/o it- my hobart 440 has the gas kit for it, i cant see spending near $400 for the tank ( buying it, filling it) - so i bot some harbor frieght flux core wire ( next time ill get a roll of hobart wire) - welds pretty good w/o the gas.
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PostSubject: Re: Welding help Needed..   Welding help Needed.. Icon_minitimeFri 31 Dec 2010, 8:21 pm

using the gas is nice because you dont have to clean up the flux whenever you stop but with it being so expencive i dont think its worth it, at school every mig welder has a bottle right beside it but for my home shop i just use a small cheap mig welder, they arent pretty but they hold
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PostSubject: Re: Welding help Needed..   Welding help Needed.. Icon_minitimeFri 31 Dec 2010, 11:26 pm

You can also weld thicker material with the flux core, given the same amps. I have thought about going gas many times but like the others, too much for the slight benefits. I'd go with the gas if I did any sheetmetal work though.

If you can weld with a stick, then mig/fluxcore should be easy. I started with torches, then a lincoln ac 225 stick, and finally got a mig, even if it is a cheapo clark 180.
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Welding help Needed.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Welding help Needed..   Welding help Needed.. Icon_minitimeSun 09 Jan 2011, 9:34 am

My MIG welder is set up for gas, I have 2 bottles, and 2 whips. I can set my welder up to weld steel or aluminum. Its primarily used in my shop, I don't take it outside unless I am welding on something that wont fit threw the door. But you have to be careful if you use gas, if its breezy out you will get bad welds. Flux core would work best if you are going to be welding outside. I have a stick welder that I usually weld outside with, it really doesn't matter what the weather is like. I welded for a construction company a few years back and we would weld in all weather; windy, raining, cold, and snowing. It really didn't matter much, the welds still came out good.
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PostSubject: Re: Welding help Needed..   Welding help Needed.. Icon_minitime

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