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 Workin on the murray (Pulleys)

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PostSubject: Workin on the murray (Pulleys)   Workin on the murray (Pulleys) Icon_minitimeMarch 15th 2014, 2:43 pm

This is my new project im startin. Big fan of the Murray Widebody for many reasons. I started to strip it all down an get to my pulley situation. Ive got 6'' in front 3'' in back. In the bottom picture Im showing my plan for the new idler pulleys to keep the play out of my belt an keep it from possible slippage. Any Ideas an tips on builds that have already been done an are reliable would be greatly appreciated!!!

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PostSubject: Re: Workin on the murray (Pulleys)   Workin on the murray (Pulleys) Icon_minitimeMarch 15th 2014, 2:54 pm

Personally, I'd switch to a double pulley clutch, placed near where your finger is. That basically will put the idler pulley on the same plate as your clutch pulley. I personally prefer NOT to go smaller than 4 inches on the transmission... too much slippage/breakage for my tastes. If I want a higher ratio, I go with a bigger engine pulley.

One other note... Almost everyone goes with a single long belt... For simplicities sake, that's understandable. There are advantages to multiple short belts ('specially if they are all the same size) to go the length of the frame. Shorte belts tend to stretch less, and slip less, than one LOOOOONG belt.

If you keep your single belt set up, I'd suggest upgrading to a Kevlar belt.
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PostSubject: Re: Workin on the murray (Pulleys)   Workin on the murray (Pulleys) Icon_minitimeMarch 15th 2014, 5:03 pm

I would REALLY like to go with the double clutch pulleys!!! I jus dont have any of my stuff anymore (welder, Cuttin torch, grinder) to make brackets an such. Ive watched fearlessfronts videos on Youtube an have a basic concept of it jus dont know where to start without my much needed tools.
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PostSubject: Re: Workin on the murray (Pulleys)   Workin on the murray (Pulleys) Icon_minitimeMarch 15th 2014, 9:03 pm

This is what I've come up with as far as the double clutch pulley system. I imagine with the addition of this and a Kevlar belt ill be ***** in tall cotton. May not have to add another idler pulley for slack issues in the belt. I plan to make this completely adjustable so i can easily adjust on trail.

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PostSubject: Re: Workin on the murray (Pulleys)   Workin on the murray (Pulleys) Icon_minitimeMarch 15th 2014, 9:14 pm

Belt keepers. Everywhere. So many it should take you an hour to drop your belt.

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PostSubject: Re: Workin on the murray (Pulleys)   Workin on the murray (Pulleys) Icon_minitimeMarch 15th 2014, 9:16 pm

HAHAHA!!! Agreed completely
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PostSubject: Re: Workin on the murray (Pulleys)   Workin on the murray (Pulleys) Icon_minitime

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