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 we all have to start somewhere

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Join date : 2014-04-10
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Location : essex, UK

we all have to start somewhere Empty
PostSubject: we all have to start somewhere   we all have to start somewhere Icon_minitimeApril 11th 2014, 1:00 pm

so, here she is, the "little Donkey" as my wife has named it already, must be my best bargain this year, as most westwood T1200 fetch upwards of £400 on e bay, I got this without a cutting deck for £132, two flat tyres and no battery, advertised as just needing some TLC, well they were not lying, the rear pumped up ok, but the front needs a tube, hooked up the battery pack, some fresh petrol and topped up the oil and she fired straight up, pull start works great, so I wont bother with a battery as once the rear diff is welded, this will get left at our woodland, I'll try running it on those tyres for the minute, and up grade to something with a bit more grip later on, and as much as I'd like to fit a stand up exhaust on, I doubt we will ever be hitting water as deep as you guys do

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we all have to start somewhere Empty
PostSubject: Re: we all have to start somewhere   we all have to start somewhere Icon_minitimeApril 22nd 2014, 1:34 pm

looks good!  do you have a picture of the transaxle or do you know what model it is?
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Join date : 2014-04-10
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PostSubject: Re: we all have to start somewhere   we all have to start somewhere Icon_minitimeMay 1st 2014, 5:31 pm

it's a 1988 westwood T1200
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we all have to start somewhere Empty
PostSubject: Re: we all have to start somewhere   we all have to start somewhere Icon_minitimeMay 1st 2014, 8:55 pm

Its so neat ofiding even more new tractors on a daily basis just cause they are on the other side of the pond. Its such a funky design.

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PostSubject: Re: we all have to start somewhere   we all have to start somewhere Icon_minitime

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we all have to start somewhere
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