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 opposed twin won't idle.

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opposed twin won't idle. Empty
PostSubject: opposed twin won't idle.   opposed twin won't idle. Icon_minitimeApril 11th 2014, 5:40 pm

Hey guys, I got a briggs opposed twin running that has been sitting for a number of years. The second time I started it the engine ran shoddy, but I could drive it around and such. It just randomly died, and now every time it starts it will fire up, rev REALLY high and die. If I modulate the choke I got it to idle for about 30 seconds. What can I do??? (I have cleaned the carb, and the gas is relatively fresh.)
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opposed twin won't idle. Empty
PostSubject: Re: opposed twin won't idle.   opposed twin won't idle. Icon_minitimeApril 11th 2014, 6:42 pm

Sounds like it isn't drawing gas. I'd buy a fuel pump rebuild.
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opposed twin won't idle. Empty
PostSubject: Re: opposed twin won't idle.   opposed twin won't idle. Icon_minitimeApril 11th 2014, 7:59 pm

x2 on Red. fuel starvation issues
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opposed twin won't idle. Empty
PostSubject: Re: opposed twin won't idle.   opposed twin won't idle. Icon_minitimeApril 11th 2014, 9:05 pm

I would clean the carb again, let it soak in fresh petrol for an hour or so. If everything was A ok before it started running on choke only.
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opposed twin won't idle. Empty
PostSubject: Re: opposed twin won't idle.   opposed twin won't idle. Icon_minitimeApril 11th 2014, 10:00 pm

I don't think it is starving for fuel, when I first turned it over fuel shot out the line coming from the pump. I will check when I get home though. I don't know about cleaning the carb though, I was really thorough on the inside, I used almost half a can of gumout.
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opposed twin won't idle. Empty
PostSubject: Re: opposed twin won't idle.   opposed twin won't idle. Icon_minitimeApril 12th 2014, 12:08 am

Sometimes when you clean out a carb, you miss a small opening somewhere or don't take something apart that you didn't notice at first. Make sure to check everything closely. Also it is possible to have the mixture set wrong and have trouble when you think it's ok.  I'm in the process of cleaning out some motorcycle carbs and I soaked them in carb cleaner the first time and the bike wouldn't run. Then I realized that the idle mixture screws are covered with a plug so that no one trys to adjust them after it leaves the factory. Once I drilled out the plugs and recleaned them, the bike runs. (Although it still didn't run perfect, and now I'm cleaning them again to really make sure I've got them) But that's besides the point. Your best bet would probably be to re-clean the carb and then give it another shot.
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opposed twin won't idle. Empty
PostSubject: Re: opposed twin won't idle.   opposed twin won't idle. Icon_minitimeApril 12th 2014, 10:18 am

I'll mess with the mixture today, but if that doesn't do it I'll clean the carb again.
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opposed twin won't idle. Empty
PostSubject: Re: opposed twin won't idle.   opposed twin won't idle. Icon_minitimeApril 12th 2014, 2:27 pm

so now gas is shooting out of some hole on the top of the carb, and it is kind of spraying gas out the choke. What gives?
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opposed twin won't idle. Empty
PostSubject: Re: opposed twin won't idle.   opposed twin won't idle. Icon_minitimeApril 12th 2014, 2:42 pm

TokyoDrift99 wrote:
so now gas is shooting out of some hole on the top of the carb, and it is kind of spraying gas out the choke. What gives?

When you had it apart and during assembly, did you see and pay attention to the tiny hole on one side but missing on the other side of the gasket?
(just throwing out ideas here)  bounce  - Well many put it the wrong way.
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opposed twin won't idle. Empty
PostSubject: Re: opposed twin won't idle.   opposed twin won't idle. Icon_minitimeApril 12th 2014, 3:31 pm

Thunderdivine wrote:
TokyoDrift99 wrote:
so now gas is shooting out of some hole on the top of the carb, and it is kind of spraying gas out the choke. What gives?

When you had it apart and during assembly, did you see and pay attention to the tiny hole on one side but missing on the other side of the gasket?
(just throwing out ideas here)  bounce  - Well many put it the wrong way.

what gasket? They were all stuck to the carb, and I couldn't get them off.
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opposed twin won't idle. Empty
PostSubject: Re: opposed twin won't idle.   opposed twin won't idle. Icon_minitime

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opposed twin won't idle.
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