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 allis chalmers 710 6 speed off road tractor

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PostSubject: allis chalmers 710 6 speed off road tractor   allis chalmers 710 6 speed off road tractor Icon_minitimeAugust 29th 2014, 7:45 pm

been thinking about building a off road mower for some time now,looking around the garage it hit me that i have this already,and i think it would make a great off road machine. frame is 1/4 inch steel,trans is high and low range with gear oil lubrication,the diff is external and can be either locked or left limited slip.front wheels use tapered roller bearings just like cars,steering gear is stout as well. i already have 25 inch atv tires on my allis 916 with front bucket so i know i can at least fit those without raising the seat pan. i also have a 12 horse kohler from a wheel horse with electronic ignition.anyone ever build a allis or simplicity 700-900 series??? thoughts,suggestions,comments,etc welcome. thanks,Roger
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PostSubject: Re: allis chalmers 710 6 speed off road tractor   allis chalmers 710 6 speed off road tractor Icon_minitimeSeptember 2nd 2014, 9:09 am

Could you post some pictures of the tractor? And i've never used a allis or simplicity as an offroader i've never owner one but i'm sure somebody on here has. And a 1/4 frame is thick.
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PostSubject: Re: allis chalmers 710 6 speed off road tractor   allis chalmers 710 6 speed off road tractor Icon_minitimeSeptember 2nd 2014, 9:19 am

not sure i am allowed to post pictures yet,but i will see. these machines use a shaft drive from engine to a bevel gear box which drives the trans via belts. the 6 speed uses 2 different size pulleys which allows for the high and low range. if you go on youtube and search zippo varga,you will see ALOT of different simplicity,s. makes sence to me to start with a heavy duty platform,then trying to reinforce a weak one.Roger
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PostSubject: Re: allis chalmers 710 6 speed off road tractor   allis chalmers 710 6 speed off road tractor Icon_minitimeSeptember 2nd 2014, 9:26 am

You should be allowed to post pictures. Heres a link on how to do it
And i've watched zippo before it does make sense to use a heavy duty frame instead of reinforcing a weak one. But thicker steel means more weight and sometimes extra weight isn't always a good thing for an off roading tractor. because it just makes it more of a pain to pull it out of a mud hole when it gets stuck lol
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PostSubject: Re: allis chalmers 710 6 speed off road tractor   allis chalmers 710 6 speed off road tractor Icon_minitimeSeptember 2nd 2014, 9:37 am

well since these tractors already have a 15 amp charging system and use the same battery a ford car does,mounting my 2000 pound winch would solve that issue....
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PostSubject: Re: allis chalmers 710 6 speed off road tractor   allis chalmers 710 6 speed off road tractor Icon_minitimeSeptember 2nd 2014, 12:26 pm

I have the same exact tractor as you but mine is a 3 speed and it has a 14hp kohler.

They are very stout and well built tractors, they don't do bad offroad but one thing I would do is put a stronger
clutch spring on because the spring that comes on them ist very strong when pulling steep hills the belt just
slips. Another thing I would do is make some kind of shield and put over the coil since its exposed, you don't want water getting on the coil because it will short out and kill the spark. But other than that you should be good to go in my opinion..Take it offroad one day and see how it does then go from there.
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PostSubject: Re: allis chalmers 710 6 speed off road tractor   allis chalmers 710 6 speed off road tractor Icon_minitimeSeptember 2nd 2014, 12:31 pm

the engine i plan on using is a kohler 12 hp magnum from a wheel horse,magneto ignition. clutch spring is a good idea,this will probably be my winter indoor project.thinking 27 inch rears,unsure on front size yet.
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PostSubject: Re: allis chalmers 710 6 speed off road tractor   allis chalmers 710 6 speed off road tractor Icon_minitimeSeptember 3rd 2014, 8:28 am

What type of tractor did you get that motor out of? Is it a direct bolt up?.

Are you gonna speed it up any?
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PostSubject: Re: allis chalmers 710 6 speed off road tractor   allis chalmers 710 6 speed off road tractor Icon_minitimeSeptember 3rd 2014, 8:40 am

the 12 hp kohler came out of a wheel horse 312-8 that was rusty beyond repair.i havent looked to see if it is a direct bolt up yet,however i do have the original oil pan from the allis if i need to swap. as far as speeding it up,i am thinking about it,but it may prove tricky since it uses 2 sets of drive pulleys for high and low. it would be great to have a higher speed in high range,yet keep the crawler speeds in low range
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PostSubject: Re: allis chalmers 710 6 speed off road tractor   allis chalmers 710 6 speed off road tractor Icon_minitimeSeptember 3rd 2014, 9:03 am

Oh ok if its an older tractor then it should work as long as its a k series. If it is a k series motor then if you need to swap some parts it will mostly be direct bolt on. If you need to swap out the oil pan its pretty easy but don't over tighten the bolts
because it will crack the gasket and leak. As for speeding up wise that's what I would do, change the pully ratio on the high side so that way in high range you have speed but still have that low range for crawling.
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PostSubject: Re: allis chalmers 710 6 speed off road tractor   allis chalmers 710 6 speed off road tractor Icon_minitime

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