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 Belt numbers for my LTV-10?

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Belt numbers for my LTV-10? Empty
PostSubject: Belt numbers for my LTV-10?   Belt numbers for my LTV-10? Icon_minitimeSeptember 23rd 2014, 10:03 am

Hey guys, I've lurked on here for a while now and finally decided to join up and get in on the discussion!

I've got a 1981 Sears Craftsman LTV-10 varidrive with the 10hp B&S that I need to replace both the drive belts on. The belt from the engine pulley to the varidrive pulley, then the belt from the varidrive back to the rear end. They still work but are showing some serious age! I've searched high and low to find the proper part numbers/drive belts and I just can't seem to find them.

Any chance any of you tractor experts could help me out here?

It'll be much appreciated!

I'll be posting pics of it as soon as I'm not on my work computer!!
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Belt numbers for my LTV-10?
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