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 v twin custom rat rod cub cadet

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twin - v twin custom rat rod cub cadet Empty
PostSubject: v twin custom rat rod cub cadet   twin - v twin custom rat rod cub cadet Icon_minitimeNovember 4th 2014, 7:08 am

First of all hello I'm a brand new member and have really enjoyed all of you guys'topics. That said I have had this idea in the back of my mind for a while to build basically a go kart but put a v twin up front a snowmobile torque converter a three speed jack shaft transmission to a sold go kart rear end, with custom fenders, which I have done some minor welding left, and ih cub cadet grill, hood and dash tower. Let me know what you think I'll throw some pics up hopefully today I have not bought anything for this build yet except bolts and I am 15 and in my area joby are hard to come by unless you're willing to work at McDonald's so polishing my dad's semi is my main income. A couple questions I have is gearing I'm going 1:1 from convertor to gearbox so from gear box to axle 3:1? And what v twin should I use? Thanks
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twin - v twin custom rat rod cub cadet Empty
PostSubject: Re: v twin custom rat rod cub cadet   twin - v twin custom rat rod cub cadet Icon_minitimeNovember 4th 2014, 11:12 am

Welcome! Sounds like you have some good intentions. Horisontal shaft v twins are kinda hard to comeby, but usually vanguards or kohlers are the most popular ones I see. Be careful, most v twins on generators or pumps probably have a tapered shaft and require a adapter.

I'm not sure about the clutch, that's a question for doc sprocket.

Also look at how the front axle and steering will be with how fast this will go, most of the stock stuff isn't safe for speed.
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twin - v twin custom rat rod cub cadet Empty
PostSubject: Re: v twin custom rat rod cub cadet   twin - v twin custom rat rod cub cadet Icon_minitimeNovember 4th 2014, 11:42 am

This is all custom even the frame only some of the body is cub the axle will be welded right to the frame
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twin - v twin custom rat rod cub cadet Empty
PostSubject: Re: v twin custom rat rod cub cadet   twin - v twin custom rat rod cub cadet Icon_minitimeNovember 6th 2014, 5:54 pm

Well slight change of plans I found a 198 cc honda twin cylinder motorcycle engine for $75. I did the math and it should save me about $600. The cheapest v twin was $400 a torque converter was $260 and the transmission is $20. I am going to gear it a little lower because i don't need to go 80 MPhil. So that's my current plan tell me what you think.
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PostSubject: Re: v twin custom rat rod cub cadet   twin - v twin custom rat rod cub cadet Icon_minitimeNovember 6th 2014, 6:00 pm

sounds like its gonna be a boss tractor!!!
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twin - v twin custom rat rod cub cadet Empty
PostSubject: Re: v twin custom rat rod cub cadet   twin - v twin custom rat rod cub cadet Icon_minitimeNovember 6th 2014, 9:21 pm

I'm thinking about it tires, slicks or diamond studs. This Will Do Some Slight Offroad Like Light trails And A Very rutty Driveway.
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PostSubject: Re: v twin custom rat rod cub cadet   twin - v twin custom rat rod cub cadet Icon_minitime

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v twin custom rat rod cub cadet
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