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 My craftsman 19.5hp

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Age : 29
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Location : Elora, Tn

My craftsman 19.5hp Empty
PostSubject: My craftsman 19.5hp   My craftsman 19.5hp Icon_minitimeFebruary 28th 2015, 2:58 am

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My craftsman 19.5hp Empty
PostSubject: Re: My craftsman 19.5hp   My craftsman 19.5hp Icon_minitimeFebruary 28th 2015, 9:35 am

Looks like it's working pretty good. Anything you are going to improve on?
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Age : 29
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Location : Elora, Tn

My craftsman 19.5hp Empty
PostSubject: Re: My craftsman 19.5hp   My craftsman 19.5hp Icon_minitimeFebruary 28th 2015, 3:42 pm

redlinemotorsportts wrote:
Looks like it's working pretty good. Anything you are going to improve on?
Probably not. Done everything I can think of to it. Would add stuff to it, but have to save money to get a vehicle.
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Join date : 2014-01-22
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Location : Thompson, CT

My craftsman 19.5hp Empty
PostSubject: Re: My craftsman 19.5hp   My craftsman 19.5hp Icon_minitimeFebruary 28th 2015, 6:51 pm

Runs good. Looks like you have plenty of speed for the large field. One wheel peel; You going to lock it up for better powerslides?
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Age : 29
Join date : 2014-11-23
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Location : Elora, Tn

My craftsman 19.5hp Empty
PostSubject: Re: My craftsman 19.5hp   My craftsman 19.5hp Icon_minitimeFebruary 28th 2015, 7:12 pm

B440 wrote:
Runs good. Looks like you have plenty of speed for the large field. One wheel peel; You going to lock it up for better powerslides?
I would, but spicer. Wouldn't be able to afford a replacement if it tore up. That big treeline at 2:20 is our other 80ac place I take it. If I feel like crawling I winch it down in the creek, go to the end and back, then winch it out. Trying to dig it out so I can drive out. Its good enough to drive it down in when its not wet. If that snow would have came earlier in the day 2-3 days ago, I would have had a vid of driving in 4" snow.
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PostSubject: Re: My craftsman 19.5hp   My craftsman 19.5hp Icon_minitime

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My craftsman 19.5hp
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