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 Got a new truck!

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Got a new truck! Empty
PostSubject: Got a new truck!   Got a new truck! Icon_minitimeMay 17th 2015, 12:22 pm

Last night my parents and I went to a Ford dealership and traded in my mom's 2012 JK that had a 4" Tereflex and 35s for a brand new four door, four wheel drive F150 with the 3.5 Ecoboost. It has a nice amount of power and the cab is HUGE inside. My dad's 6'3" friend sat in the back comfortably with the front seat all the way back and still had plenty of room.

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802 Customs
802 Customs

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PostSubject: Re: Got a new truck!   Got a new truck! Icon_minitimeMay 17th 2015, 12:35 pm

Sweet truck, it will be cool to see how those aluminum bodies do up north in 10 years. However I can't stand when a truck has a shifter in between the seats, I think it belongs on the steering column.
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Got a new truck! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Got a new truck!   Got a new truck! Icon_minitimeMay 17th 2015, 12:46 pm

802 Customs wrote:
Sweet truck, it will be cool to see how those aluminum bodies do up north in 10 years. However I can't stand when a truck has a shifter in between the seats, I think it belongs on the steering column.
I agree in the case of it being auto. The console in these trucks are a lot better looking inside than the 3rd seat though.
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802 Customs
802 Customs

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Got a new truck! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Got a new truck!   Got a new truck! Icon_minitimeMay 17th 2015, 6:36 pm

Yeah I'm just more of a column shift, bench seat, manual transfer case lever kind of guy. My dad's new tundra has the sr5 package so it has buckets and a center console with the center shifter. It's really nice inside, but I would've gone with a bench, but it aint my truck.
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PostSubject: Re: Got a new truck!   Got a new truck! Icon_minitime

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