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 Ford lgt 100 build

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PostSubject: Ford lgt 100 build   Ford lgt 100 build Icon_minitimeWed Sep 02, 2015 8:10 pm

So I've had a ford lgt 100 around for a while and I like the idea of a trail tractor and I love driving it around so why not! As of now it has some rather worn 26x9x12 polaris m udders on it and stock 16" rib tires up front and a ranch hand style front bumper and a spring clip hook on the rear hitch. Next upgrades will be the same rear tires but less worn and 11" wide probably getting them tomorrow and the 19" atv tires up front they're a little spendy and not really necessary so I'll get them when I can and at some point a winch and some tool boxes as I plan on this being the "tow rig" once I get a group together as its soooo heavy, a whopping 755# according to tractor data plus me and some equipment so around 1000# so unless I get into some really thick deep mud I should be ok with the wide rear tires and a mild pulley swap. What do y'all think? I'll post pics if and when I can. Sorry for the long post btw
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Age : 25
Join date : 2015-02-16
Points : 3679
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Location : Brookfield WI

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PostSubject: Re: Ford lgt 100 build   Ford lgt 100 build Icon_minitimeTue Nov 03, 2015 7:27 pm

i think that this will be a cool build cant wait to see more
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Ford lgt 100 build
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