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 best tires / what is too big

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best tires / what is too big Empty
PostSubject: best tires / what is too big   best tires / what is too big Icon_minitimeMay 15th 2011, 8:53 pm

I'm running stock 8" rims on my tractor. thinking about going bigger, maybe a 4 bolt conversion.

What are you guys running? bounce
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best tires / what is too big Empty
PostSubject: Re: best tires / what is too big   best tires / what is too big Icon_minitimeMay 15th 2011, 10:48 pm

Im currently runnning 24 inch ATV tires on the back and 18 inchers on the front. Razz gives her a nice lift Very Happy
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best tires / what is too big Empty
PostSubject: Re: best tires / what is too big   best tires / what is too big Icon_minitimeMay 15th 2011, 10:55 pm

And if you wanna see a 4 bolt conversion i got a vid on how i did mine! heres the link!

Its an older video and it was with my shitty camera.

Good luck!!

And this is how i did my front tires too if your interested Razz
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best tires / what is too big Empty
PostSubject: Re: best tires / what is too big   best tires / what is too big Icon_minitimeMay 17th 2011, 7:25 pm

On my agway im running 4 rear tires ( 8" rims) - its taken a back burner to other projects tho- i do plan on doing more mods and getting it running - already swapped pulleys , not for tons of speed- just a lil bit more . Heres the agway:
best tires / what is too big Mod_ag10

To run the rears on the front, i had to weld bolts on the spindles- eventually im upgrading the front axle/spindles.

You could custom made new hubs for like golf kart/atv rims - i bot a set of golf kart wheels for $40 from a flea market. For mine i bot a set of bering front hubs and keyed back hubs from northern tools.

For a basic upgrade you could just source a set of ATV tires and put em on your stock rims.

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PostSubject: Re: best tires / what is too big   best tires / what is too big Icon_minitime

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