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 B&s black oil

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PostSubject: B&s black oil   B&s black oil Icon_minitimeNovember 23rd 2016, 4:46 pm

Every time I change the oil turns black it is on a 16.5hp ic opposed twin it doesn't smell like gas but every time rev it it puffs a cloud of smoke out I put good oil in it I have to keep adding oil to it it doesn't leak oil that I know of maybe a blow head gasket Any advice is helpful even if you know very little
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PostSubject: Re: B&s black oil   B&s black oil Icon_minitimeNovember 23rd 2016, 4:49 pm

Almost all oil turns black nearly immediately. Its from all the carbon, dust, etc. that gets in there and totally normal. If it was brown, milky, or had shavings it would be time to worry. If its smoking, it could be bad rings or a bad PCV valve.

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PostSubject: Re: B&s black oil   B&s black oil Icon_minitimeNovember 24th 2016, 2:17 pm

Yeah, carbon etc that gets in from the combustion chamber will turn your oil black. Is the smoke blue or black? Black smoke will indicate a carb problem (too rich) but Blue smoke means oil is either getting into the combustion chamber or as Doug says, getting into the carb via the PCV valve.
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PostSubject: Re: B&s black oil   B&s black oil Icon_minitime

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