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 1999 Saturn sl1

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1999 Saturn sl1 Empty
PostSubject: 1999 Saturn sl1   1999 Saturn sl1 Icon_minitimeOctober 23rd 2018, 10:46 am

Hey guys, it's been a while since I've been on here, but I'm working on a project here and need some suggestions/ info.
Ever since my f150 took a dump (tranny blew up, that's a story in itself) I've been driving the spare car, which us a 99 Saturn sl1. It has a 4 banger Sohc and a 5 speed manual. Currently, it's sitting at 308,967 miles, and the clutch has all but bit the dust. Right now, taking off on any sort of incline is out of the question without the parking brake half engaged, and even then it's a helluva struggle. So, any of you guys know anything about clutch replacement on these things? I've been questing on the interwebs, and seen lots of different things ranging from pulling the whole engine and transmission (all 150 pounds of it lol) to doing it with both engine and tranny in the car to basically removing the entire front end. So, what do you guys think? All help is appreciated.
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1999 Saturn sl1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1999 Saturn sl1   1999 Saturn sl1 Icon_minitimeOctober 23rd 2018, 1:06 pm

Well being that it's a FWD car, seperating the transaxle from the engine is a bit more difficult. There's a chance that removing the wheel, steering knuckle, strut, lower A-arm, etc on the trans side would allow the trans to slide out enough, but I'm not so sure. It'd definitely be tight working trying to do it that way.

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PostSubject: Re: 1999 Saturn sl1   1999 Saturn sl1 Icon_minitimeOctober 23rd 2018, 5:12 pm

personally Id pull the engine and trans as a unit and replace it out of the car, 99 percent sure you can unplug the wiring harness at the engine computer and feed it back out to the engine. ive seen a couple clutch jobs done on fwd in the car and it looked absolutely awful to do, no space, hard to line back up etc.
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PostSubject: Re: 1999 Saturn sl1   1999 Saturn sl1 Icon_minitimeOctober 23rd 2018, 11:32 pm

Yeah I agree, as much of a pain it is by pulling everything, I think you are going to regret it if you end up working in such a tight space.
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1999 Saturn sl1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1999 Saturn sl1   1999 Saturn sl1 Icon_minitimeOctober 31st 2018, 3:09 pm

I had the clutch replaced in my 2002 sl1 at around 100,000 miles.  My buddy worked at the shop that did it.  I can ask him but his memory ain't the greatest.

EDIT:  So I just checked with my mechanic friend and he thinks they unbolted the trans and moved it out of the way.
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PostSubject: Re: 1999 Saturn sl1   1999 Saturn sl1 Icon_minitime

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1999 Saturn sl1
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