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 New youtube updates on my shop and my craftsman

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Age : 38
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New youtube updates on my shop and my craftsman Empty
PostSubject: New youtube updates on my shop and my craftsman   New youtube updates on my shop and my craftsman Icon_minitimeAugust 7th 2011, 6:45 pm

Well I sold my john deere 425 that I got for 420$. 2 grand for a new motor screw that. They had plastic cams in em.. Kawasaki sucks. Anyway I am mad at john deere for the moment. Craftsman offroader update: So I went through and put a new motor (17hp Briggs that was lit on fire). Re did all the electrical. The idiot jumped the starter. lol it has a new rearend also in it. The rearend makes some noise because it is old and I have put it through hell and back. The pulley rubs on the belt protectors or whatever them things are to keep the belt on the rearend.. Here are the new vids. I was testing it out. We still have some more to complete. Oh on a side note I gave my buddy a murray with a bad motor so I picked up a new motor for it put it on and let him hook it up and go through it so he could offroad. Now he is nowhere to be seen. WTF!! random anger lol.. enjoy the videos!!
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Age : 38
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PostSubject: Re: New youtube updates on my shop and my craftsman   New youtube updates on my shop and my craftsman Icon_minitimeAugust 7th 2011, 9:01 pm

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PostSubject: Re: New youtube updates on my shop and my craftsman   New youtube updates on my shop and my craftsman Icon_minitimeAugust 7th 2011, 10:06 pm

Nice 3 wheel motion. Makes me want to go out and play in my ditch.
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PostSubject: Re: New youtube updates on my shop and my craftsman   New youtube updates on my shop and my craftsman Icon_minitime

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New youtube updates on my shop and my craftsman
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