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 yard pro gt

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yard pro gt - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: yard pro gt   yard pro gt - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 03, 2021 6:28 pm

the yard pro is a running driving tractor, the fuel pump is fine,it seems it was a solenoid on the carb causing issues, the oddest one i've ever seen tbh since it's nowhere near the bowl, but the plunger fell out when i took it off so i just left it out and it's starting and staying running now, i replaced the worn out bushings in the steering, it still has some play but nowhere near what it had before i replaced the sector gear bushings, i think i'm going to see about upgrading those to bearings maybe put in some flush mount pillow blocks, but i think a large part of the play comes from the drag link, i'm going to see about upgrading that to actual heim joints later on, but for now it's fine, and finally i mounted 18x8.50 tires on the front, they're the ones i had on my murray, i plan to run a 25x10-12 on the rear, i haven't decided if i want to lock it yet, probably will if i can get the hubs off, we still haven't changed out the transaxle on the wizard, but i have determined it is an internal issue with the high/low, i was hoping it was just the selector rod not coming all the way out, but it's hitting the frame and can't come out any further, so i know it is
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yard pro gt - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: yard pro gt   yard pro gt - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon Mar 08, 2021 10:31 pm

i got the transaxle swapped over in the wizard gt still a couple of minor things need to be done before it's fully together, had an issue with one of the mounting bolts, the front bolt on the right side broke off inside the case but the other 5 are fine so they should hold it, this tractor won't be used for anything extreme, i need to get the h/l shifter, brake rod and tires mounted then it'll be ready to go again, and it's been painted, we were going to go with olive drab, but my brother was given 2 cans of satin black so he went with that instead, still might do a camo paint job on it later on, the 633 that came out of is going to be pulled apart and provided i can get the hub off, fixed and set aside for something else or kept as a spare should we actually ever need it
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PostSubject: Re: yard pro gt   yard pro gt - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 10, 2021 8:41 pm

figured out the issue with the h/l shifter on the 633 we pulled from the wizard, it has a nut on the end inside the case and that nut has come off, at least the end that was inside the case has threads on it, if it's a nut it should be sitting in the bottom of the case along with any washers that may have been on that shaft, i've managed to get the hub moving on the right side, haven't tried the left yet, just a question, has anybody used one of these to make a 4x6, i know it would be plenty strong enough to run a chain drive to a 1in go cart axle, or with a bit more work run two 633s, the hardest part would be getting the shifters to work with each other and figuring out how to run the belts
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PostSubject: Re: yard pro gt   yard pro gt - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 10, 2021 8:59 pm

I’d try the chains first. Linkages would be hard to fabricate in my mind. Got any pics of the new paint job?
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yard pro gt - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: yard pro gt   yard pro gt - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 11, 2021 5:31 pm

it's been raining so i haven't put the fenders back on, it was easier to pull the fenders to get the H/L shifter and brake rod on
yard pro gt - Page 3 DSCN0303
if i don't have the clearance to run a chain drive to a 2nd axle i have mostly figured out how to run the 2nd 633a, the H/L shifter would be easy to do, just extend the shifter back to the 2nd transaxle, the belt would be sort of easy, i would have to weld a second pulley to each and run a belt between them, it's the main gear shift that would be a pain, because it not only goes f/b but side to side, front to back wouldn't be an issue, neither would side to side, but doing both would be a headache
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PostSubject: Re: yard pro gt   yard pro gt - Page 3 Icon_minitime

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