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 1973 Roper Motomower restoration

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4 posters
Ford Boi
Ford Boi

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1973 Roper Motomower restoration Empty
PostSubject: 1973 Roper Motomower restoration   1973 Roper Motomower restoration Icon_minitimeOctober 21st 2011, 8:38 pm

This is the tractor I picked up for free. It was still in running condition, only problems I've found is a bad solenoid, charging malfunction, and a dirty carb/ fuel pump. But it runs perfectly, and even the mower deck works, altho it needs a new belt. It came with the ATV tires on it. I would just like to clean it up and give it a simple paint job and maybe get the original stickers re-created. The only mod I might do is posi, but I am not sure. I would also like to make a small plow for it. Oh and I will use it for hauling my trailer. It is quite capable in the woods for open diff. The 3-speed Hi/Lo is amazing.

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1973 Roper Motomower restoration Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1973 Roper Motomower restoration   1973 Roper Motomower restoration Icon_minitimeOctober 22nd 2011, 6:06 am

Sweet find for free - thats like my GT craftsmans - one of which i really want to make a monster 4x4 tractor ( some year) - has the same look as one of those old Sears GT's .

Yeah, since its complete and all works id restore it ( maybe do a LIL mudding before it comes apart tho Very Happy ) - i did that with most my stock tractors, they got a mud bath r two before the decks went back on.
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Ford Boi
Ford Boi

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1973 Roper Motomower restoration Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1973 Roper Motomower restoration   1973 Roper Motomower restoration Icon_minitimeOctober 22nd 2011, 6:48 am

Hehehehe don't worry I had it swamped over the running boards already lol. It's hard to get unstuck when the deck lift brackets are jammed about a foot into the mud too Very Happy
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1973 Roper Motomower restoration Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1973 Roper Motomower restoration   1973 Roper Motomower restoration Icon_minitimeOctober 23rd 2011, 2:25 am

That tractor almost looks like a Sears suburban.
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Ford Boi
Ford Boi

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1973 Roper Motomower restoration Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1973 Roper Motomower restoration   1973 Roper Motomower restoration Icon_minitimeNovember 15th 2011, 5:33 pm

Well the resto hasn't really gone under way due to the fact that I use this tractor nearly every day for hauling wood and whatnot.I love it too much to tear it apart!!! But the other day it gave me a scare, I hopped on in the morning to head out in the woods and no go. No fire. I thought no biggie, probly the coil. Turns out, a coil pretty much is impossible to get. After some digging on the internet I found a guy who knows about these engines, he suggested checking my stator first. So I tore it apart and it was dirty / rusty, cleaned it up and restored fire. I didn't know the little wire to the coil on these is power rather than the kill wire. So I decided to replace the horrible wiring system and install a new ignition switch while I had it apart. Now it starts with the key, no more toggle switch / push button start with haggered wiring.
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1973 Roper Motomower restoration Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1973 Roper Motomower restoration   1973 Roper Motomower restoration Icon_minitimeNovember 15th 2011, 6:04 pm

talk about bucket seat! ahaha
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Ford Boi
Ford Boi

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1973 Roper Motomower restoration Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1973 Roper Motomower restoration   1973 Roper Motomower restoration Icon_minitimeNovember 15th 2011, 9:38 pm

product wrote:
talk about bucket seat! ahaha

Lol I love it! Keeps you on there haha. Its off an old MF I only noticed the painted-over sticker today!
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Ford Boi
Ford Boi

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1973 Roper Motomower restoration Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1973 Roper Motomower restoration   1973 Roper Motomower restoration Icon_minitimeNovember 15th 2011, 10:50 pm

Here's a few pics of my wiring fixing.

The old wiring setup. And no, despite having Free Willy on the key, they key was completely non-functional.
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Almost back together after stator / flywheel cleaning. I even bolted the rectifier/voltage regulator back where it belongs, and it works. It was just dangling under there by the wires.... It only gets about 11V so I don't think it will keep my battery charged, but I can at least run lights with it.
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All the crap they used to replace a simple generic ignition switch. Some people are not smart. Or, they are too smart for their own good. But not these people.
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The new almost original look. Shame they drilled all those holes....
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They even had a fancy red ground wire and a nice black positive wire, which caused me to fry my new 80$ battery charger. So I figured I might as well reverse them for proper color orientation. Also my new wiring and solenoid are visible, done properly, no random extra switches and wires that run power to another random switch that runs power to nothing.
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And finally, last but not least, this is my ultra cool tail light. One good thing they added to the tractor.
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1973 Roper Motomower restoration Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1973 Roper Motomower restoration   1973 Roper Motomower restoration Icon_minitime

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1973 Roper Motomower restoration
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