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 Fuel solenoid on a b&s intek 20 horse and it will not start.

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Fuel solenoid on a b&s intek 20 horse and it will not start. Empty
PostSubject: Fuel solenoid on a b&s intek 20 horse and it will not start.   Fuel solenoid on a b&s intek 20 horse and it will not start. Icon_minitimeDecember 11th 2012, 7:21 pm

Hey, I have a b&s intek 20 horse and it will not start so i cleaned the carb,checked the fuel pump its getting fuel
but will not start but it starts with starting fuild.A friend told me it was the fuel solenoid and to cut the arm that cuts the fuel off, i dont know if it would harm the motor.Fuel solenoid on a b&s intek 20 horse and it will not start. Untitl10
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Fuel solenoid on a b&s intek 20 horse and it will not start. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fuel solenoid on a b&s intek 20 horse and it will not start.   Fuel solenoid on a b&s intek 20 horse and it will not start. Icon_minitimeDecember 12th 2012, 12:58 am

You can cut it off , reinstall it , BUT id add a manual fuel shutoff valve to the fuel line. The purpose of it is to stop the flow of fuel to the combustion chamber after its off, it doesnt stop the flow of fuel into the carb tho.

Over time the needles stick either out or in - if theyre almost all the way extended, you get starvation issues and/or dieseling when its shut down.

Ive 'deleted' all my antifire solenoids with no issues, in fact they actually run better w/o them - a good example is my '03 mowing murray with a 16.5HP OHV briggs , i cleaned the carb, tuned it up - ran good for a while, then would chug and want to stall out - with or w/o blades activated.

Id go to shut it down and itd diesel for a good minute before stopping. I knew about the solenoid issue, tryed freeing it up- didnt work - so i snipped the end, reinstalled it and it ran great, even shut off like it should. It hasnt done any of that since i did the solenoid snipping a few years back.

Reason it starts with starting fluid is youre adding it after /above the solenoid in the air cleaner area and goes straight to the combustion chamber, bypassing the carb internals.
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Fuel solenoid on a b&s intek 20 horse and it will not start. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fuel solenoid on a b&s intek 20 horse and it will not start.   Fuel solenoid on a b&s intek 20 horse and it will not start. Icon_minitimeDecember 12th 2012, 7:33 pm

Thanks,and i will get a fuel cutoff.
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Fuel solenoid on a b&s intek 20 horse and it will not start. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fuel solenoid on a b&s intek 20 horse and it will not start.   Fuel solenoid on a b&s intek 20 horse and it will not start. Icon_minitime

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Fuel solenoid on a b&s intek 20 horse and it will not start.
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