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 How do i wire a fuel shutoff solenoid on a 16.5 OHV motor?

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How do i wire a  fuel shutoff solenoid on a 16.5 OHV motor? Empty
PostSubject: How do i wire a fuel shutoff solenoid on a 16.5 OHV motor?   How do i wire a  fuel shutoff solenoid on a 16.5 OHV motor? Icon_minitimeJuly 19th 2011, 12:17 pm

I know this should be simple, but I seem to be having a brain fart. I have a 16.5 OHV motor with the fuel shutoff solenoid at the bottom of the carb float bowl. I have this mower wired according to the diagram that Fearlessfront posted on here. I've wired a couple engines up this way and had no problems. I just need to know where to wire this solenoid, it has a black wire and a white one. Thanks for any help guys.

Last edited by Jamus on July 19th 2011, 3:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
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How do i wire a  fuel shutoff solenoid on a 16.5 OHV motor? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do i wire a fuel shutoff solenoid on a 16.5 OHV motor?   How do i wire a  fuel shutoff solenoid on a 16.5 OHV motor? Icon_minitimeJuly 19th 2011, 2:44 pm

i think the black wire needs to be grounded somwhere and the white connected to a power source
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How do i wire a  fuel shutoff solenoid on a 16.5 OHV motor? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do i wire a fuel shutoff solenoid on a 16.5 OHV motor?   How do i wire a  fuel shutoff solenoid on a 16.5 OHV motor? Icon_minitimeJuly 19th 2011, 3:58 pm

That makes sense. So I'm guessing the white to 12V when in the "on" position, which on my wiring actually turns the coil wire off, or open. I may need to wire in a separate toggle switch for this solenoid.
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How do i wire a  fuel shutoff solenoid on a 16.5 OHV motor? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do i wire a fuel shutoff solenoid on a 16.5 OHV motor?   How do i wire a  fuel shutoff solenoid on a 16.5 OHV motor? Icon_minitimeJuly 19th 2011, 11:23 pm

yes it would have to be a 12 volt source that is only live when its turned on
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How do i wire a  fuel shutoff solenoid on a 16.5 OHV motor? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do i wire a fuel shutoff solenoid on a 16.5 OHV motor?   How do i wire a  fuel shutoff solenoid on a 16.5 OHV motor? Icon_minitimeJuly 19th 2011, 11:44 pm

I wonder if there is a toggle switch that would serve for both things. To run the mower in ON I need to disconnect the ground to the coil and connect the pos. to the solenoid.
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How do i wire a  fuel shutoff solenoid on a 16.5 OHV motor? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do i wire a fuel shutoff solenoid on a 16.5 OHV motor?   How do i wire a  fuel shutoff solenoid on a 16.5 OHV motor? Icon_minitimeJuly 21st 2011, 5:49 pm

Well, that was the problem. I ran a jumper straight to the battery and it fired right up. It was too hot today to do much so I'll wire it up another time. One problem I noticed is that this motor won't stay running at a low speed. The clutch is supposed to release at 1800rpm and the engine dies before then. I think the idle is supposed to be around 1250rpm for the ohv motors too, which makes it strange. That doesn't really matter though, this one is going back to a manual clutch anyway.
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How do i wire a  fuel shutoff solenoid on a 16.5 OHV motor? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do i wire a fuel shutoff solenoid on a 16.5 OHV motor?   How do i wire a  fuel shutoff solenoid on a 16.5 OHV motor? Icon_minitime

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How do i wire a fuel shutoff solenoid on a 16.5 OHV motor?
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