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 How do you make a mower faster?

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PostSubject: How do you make a mower faster?   How do you make a mower faster? Icon_minitimeFebruary 21st 2013, 7:00 pm

I got a mower for free, and got it running for about $25.00!!! All I needed to buy was a fuel line, fuel filter carb cleaner and starter fluid. and i was able to start it. All I need now is a battery and to covert it to push start and then get started with the build process. Any ideas on how to make a mower faster? I want to lift it too.
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PostSubject: Re: How do you make a mower faster?   How do you make a mower faster? Icon_minitimeFebruary 21st 2013, 7:28 pm

Sounds like a good cheap start! There are threads all over this site with the info you are looking for, so hang out and enjoy!

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PostSubject: Re: How do you make a mower faster?   How do you make a mower faster? Icon_minitimeFebruary 21st 2013, 7:30 pm

A lift and speed dont go well hand-in-hand, because you will be top heavy. Depending on how fast you want to go and how high you want to go up, you might want to widen the axle base. The front axle will also need to be locked.

For speed, its just a matter of swapping pulleys. Bigger in front and smaller in back. A 1:1 ratio would get you to 15mph.

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PostSubject: Re: How do you make a mower faster?   How do you make a mower faster? Icon_minitimeMay 9th 2013, 4:29 pm

For every 2 inches of lift, widen the stance by a inch.
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PostSubject: Re: How do you make a mower faster?   How do you make a mower faster? Icon_minitimeMay 9th 2013, 5:36 pm

1993-Sierra-Z71 wrote:
For every 2 inches of lift, widen the stance by a inch.

You sound like Chris from ATLMA.

The stance doesnt need to be widened that much per-se. If you go offroading with a 24" under the floorboards, you might want to widen it. For show, not so much. 2" doesnt designate the need for a stance widening unless you go super fast.

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PostSubject: Re: How do you make a mower faster?   How do you make a mower faster? Icon_minitimeMay 9th 2013, 8:59 pm

Doug Fackler wrote:
1993-Sierra-Z71 wrote:
For every 2 inches of lift, widen the stance by a inch.

You sound like Chris from ATLMA.

The stance doesnt need to be widened that much per-se. If you go offroading with a 24" under the floorboards, you might want to widen it. For show, not so much. 2" doesnt designate the need for a stance widening unless you go super fast.

Um... I'm gonna pitch in my own two cents' worth here:

Really- and let's be honest with ourselves- "For Show", isn't. Nobody's going to build up a machine and not test it's capabilities. There's just too much testosterone involved. I must agree that height and speed are not exactly a heavenly marriage, and should be done with great care. No only should the track width be examined, and the front axle pinned, but the steering should be completely upgraded. Stock mower steering components generally suck, and can be considered pretty unsafe once you start running at higher speeds. The components tend to be both weak and sloppy. And if that all ain't enough...

...Don't forget the brakes. Factory brakes are generally pretty dismal, more so with larger tires and/or higher speeds.

Not meaning to piss on anybody's campfire here, but nothing kills a good time faster than a trip to the emergency room. Play safe!
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PostSubject: Re: How do you make a mower faster?   How do you make a mower faster? Icon_minitimeMay 10th 2013, 9:18 am

I don't think the 2 in higher, 1 wider, rule is a bad idea. Now this being the kind of forum we are, it is merely a suggestion.

We actually went a little lower, maybe 1 or 2 in the front, and widened our tractors by 4 inches or so. Before we would race on 2 wheels around the corners, now they stay flat.
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PostSubject: Re: How do you make a mower faster?   How do you make a mower faster? Icon_minitime

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