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 1987 honda trx350

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1987 honda trx350 Empty
PostSubject: 1987 honda trx350   1987 honda trx350 Icon_minitimeAugust 19th 2013, 9:34 pm

i just recently got a Honda 350 and i drove it for a day and when i shut it off it never fired back up and has very little spark. i already replaced the spark plug and coil and it still wont get a good enough spark. i was wondering if there's any other tests i could run to find out what it could be. could it be the voltage regulator.
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Murray modder
Murray modder

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1987 honda trx350 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1987 honda trx350   1987 honda trx350 Icon_minitimeAugust 19th 2013, 9:40 pm

Speedfreek241 wrote:
i just recently got a Honda 350 and i drove it for a day and when i shut it off it never fired back up and has very little spark. i already replaced the spark plug and coil and it still wont get a good enough spark. i was wondering if there's any other tests i could run to find out what it could be. could it be the voltage regulator.
Check your points (distance between the magneto and the flywheel)
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Doc Sprocket
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Doc Sprocket
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1987 honda trx350 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1987 honda trx350   1987 honda trx350 Icon_minitimeAugust 20th 2013, 8:01 am

Murray modder wrote:

Check your points (distance between the magneto and the flywheel)
FWIW- "points" is not the distance between the magneto and flywheel. "points" refers to an older type of ignition system, (now replaced with CDI systems and the like) and specifically the contact breaker points within. Unless this is a really old machine, it very likely does not use breaker points. Now- the gap that we are really talking about here is the "armature air gap", the measured distance between the flywheel magnet and the leg(s) of the magneto. Without the proper specification, you're really just shooting in the dark. On our typical OPE engines, that measurement is usually 0.010" as measured with a feeler gauge.

Back to the question.

The voltage regulator generally pertains to the charging system, and shouldn't have any effect on the ignition system. Assuming your machine is new enough to have a CDI or electronic ignition system  then it's a pretty fair bet that your CDI module has taken a dump on you. Other possibilities include a wiring, ground, or kill switch fault.

EDIT- I just noticed "1987" in your title. I very much doubt you have a breaker points ignition system.
RE-EDIT- No points. see attached diagram. Gotta love Google.1987 honda trx350 Trx35011
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PostSubject: Re: 1987 honda trx350   1987 honda trx350 Icon_minitime

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1987 honda trx350
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