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 let me introduce myself

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PostSubject: let me introduce myself   let me introduce myself Icon_minitimeDecember 6th 2010, 7:19 pm

New to the all terrain lawn tractor forum.

Started to modify my craftsman about a year ago. basic craftsman with a 4 speed rear end. Had to replace 11hp tecumsah out for a 16.5 hp briggs. Modified a set of rear rims to fit the front.

Gotta get a smaller pulley on the rear when I get more time. Anybody got any suggestions on a good size.

[img]let me introduce myself Th_003[/img][img]let me introduce myself Th_005[/img][img]let me introduce myself Th_074[/img]
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PostSubject: Re: let me introduce myself   let me introduce myself Icon_minitimeDecember 6th 2010, 8:22 pm

Before changing any trans pullies- id crack it open, clean out the old grease and put new grease or gear oil in it- i locked up and wrecked my 5 speed doing that.

Changing pullies means getting better brakes - its no good if you cant stop- stockers wont cut it at those speeds. Adding speed also means changing the stock steering- the craftsman drag links are horrible and sloppy over stock speeds. Means a helmit is also manditory.

1:1 ratio is okay - depends if the front pulley is still stock or not- rule of thumb is to use larger front pulley and smaller rear in faster applications - anything smaller then 3" on a trans will slip horribly.

On my agway i tried various larger tires for the front- each seemed to make the tractor sit with a rake backwards- so i used a set of larger rear tires and it made it sit better- since my agway is a 3 speed ( slow as hell) - i did a minor pulley swap- used a 4" up front, and a 6" in the rear - just for a lil more speed over stock ( so it didnt take 3 hours to get where im going) . Also had to add steering stops , since the axle is still at stock hieght. Im eventually going to use a 11 or 14.5HP motor and put a hommade rack on the back - just for basic trail rides, climbing.
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Age : 28
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PostSubject: Re: let me introduce myself   let me introduce myself Icon_minitimeDecember 7th 2010, 8:40 am

i would go with a 0ne to 0ne ratio
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PostSubject: Re: let me introduce myself   let me introduce myself Icon_minitime

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