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 Found this place hunting for ideas for my Murray Widebody

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Found this place hunting for ideas for my Murray Widebody Empty
PostSubject: Found this place hunting for ideas for my Murray Widebody   Found this place hunting for ideas for my Murray Widebody Icon_minitimeJanuary 19th 2014, 7:07 pm


I'm a 50 something accomplished Mechanic, Welder, Carpenter, and as of late I manage 6500 computers in 9 states for a nursing home company. As I got older in life my body started paying for all my hard labor in my early years so I found something a bit easier on the old bones.

I've always had and driven Jeeps, 46, 60, 70, 79, 88, 93, 99, 05, 10 and a brand new Grand Cherokee. I also still have the 46, 60 and 88 sitting on the farm in various states of disrepair except the 88 Wagoner, it is my tractor and the most beat up chunk of running crap you have ever seen.

I've been on this same piece of land, 27 acres in middle Tennessee, since I came home from the hospital except for a 23 yr stint in the USMC. I can not count the lawn tractors, and small real tractors we have been through in the half century +.

Currently I have a not too old Murray wide body that just won't keep belt on the deck anymore so I've retired it from working and have replaced her with yet another thousand buck big box mower, this one is a TroyBilt or whoever really builds it, can't tell any more.

The old Murray still runs fine, the trans is hard to shift, real hard. I replaced the starter relay but the key still won't get her to crank so I just put a spark plug socket across the relay terminals to start it up, it works.

I would like to convert it to what I think you guys call a rally machine but I'm leaning more towards mobile tool and machine chest that I can just drive up to a project and work. Generator, real air compressor, welder, winch and boom setup of some sort, fuel and lube truck, and may even go 4x4. I have a couple hills on the property. I am quite comfortable modifying or fabricating anything myself or you guys can dream up.

I look forward to getting to know ya'll, I'm no stranger to forums, been online since ARPANET in the Corps, but if I goof up, let me know.

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Found this place hunting for ideas for my Murray Widebody Empty
PostSubject: Re: Found this place hunting for ideas for my Murray Widebody   Found this place hunting for ideas for my Murray Widebody Icon_minitimeJanuary 19th 2014, 7:12 pm

Cool plan dude!

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PostSubject: Re: Found this place hunting for ideas for my Murray Widebody   Found this place hunting for ideas for my Murray Widebody Icon_minitimeJanuary 19th 2014, 7:22 pm


Sounds like you have a lot of skills! Youll fit in fine.

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Lawren Wimberly
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Found this place hunting for ideas for my Murray Widebody Empty
PostSubject: Re: Found this place hunting for ideas for my Murray Widebody   Found this place hunting for ideas for my Murray Widebody Icon_minitimeJanuary 19th 2014, 7:39 pm

Hot diggedy! I aint the only grandpa here! Your resume sounds like a recital of my life brother. The old bones complaint is what drove me to this hobby as well. feel free to pop into chat, there are always a few of us hangin out there.
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PostSubject: Re: Found this place hunting for ideas for my Murray Widebody   Found this place hunting for ideas for my Murray Widebody Icon_minitime

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