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 Getting rid of a carb solenoid.

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Getting rid of a carb solenoid. Empty
PostSubject: Getting rid of a carb solenoid.   Getting rid of a carb solenoid. Icon_minitimeMarch 7th 2014, 9:00 pm

Today i found out you can take the solenoid out of your carb and just put a regular non solenoid carb's bolt in its place. It keeps you from having to cut a perfectly good solenoid and from running more wires. It also gets rid of it sticking really far out from the carb. Just make sure you have a way to shut your gas off.Didn't know if anyone knew that or not but I sure found it helpful today.
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Doc Sprocket
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Getting rid of a carb solenoid. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Getting rid of a carb solenoid.   Getting rid of a carb solenoid. Icon_minitimeMarch 7th 2014, 9:08 pm

IF you happen to have the correct bolt, then yes. A lot of us just clip the tip off and snip the wires. A "perfectly good" solenoid is one that's been disabled. They do NOTHING except justify some EPA treehugger's paycheck. One should install a fuel shutoff valve whether you're using a solenoid or not.
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Getting rid of a carb solenoid. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Getting rid of a carb solenoid.   Getting rid of a carb solenoid. Icon_minitimeMarch 7th 2014, 9:17 pm

Well I meant that i did do it with the bolt from another carb it eliminates the solenoid altogether.
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Getting rid of a carb solenoid. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Getting rid of a carb solenoid.   Getting rid of a carb solenoid. Icon_minitimeMarch 7th 2014, 9:53 pm

Doc Sprocket wrote:
IF you happen to have the correct bolt, then yes. A lot of us just clip the tip off and snip the wires. A "perfectly good" solenoid is one that's been disabled. They do NOTHING except justify some EPA treehugger's paycheck. One should install a fuel shutoff valve whether you're using a solenoid or not.

what doc here is getting at, is you cant just stab any bolt in there. gotta have the right specs for said carb
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Doc Sprocket
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Getting rid of a carb solenoid. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Getting rid of a carb solenoid.   Getting rid of a carb solenoid. Icon_minitimeMarch 8th 2014, 9:44 am

Yeah- it's not exactly a common length, nor the common UNC thread pitch. If you've got a bolt to spare that fits, my all means do it. For as many spare parts as I have, I don't usually have one- so it's just easier to modify the existing.

As for it sticking out "really far" from the carb- I would suggest that it's not a real big deal. Out of an entire engine, this is 1 1/4" inches or so...
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Lawren Wimberly
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Getting rid of a carb solenoid. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Getting rid of a carb solenoid.   Getting rid of a carb solenoid. Icon_minitimeMarch 8th 2014, 1:30 pm

I get the original posters point, we use what we've got. If you HAVE an old carb lying around with the right bolt, SURE it makes sense not to destroy the rather expensive POS... you may be able to sell it.

Most of us don't, so disabling it is a better option. One COULD order the bolt, pay shipping, wait 4 to 6 weeks for delivery... not worth the possible gain from the sale in most cases. thank you for sharing this tidbit of info, someone out there may not have known that there was a part out there to specifically replace the obnoxious solenoid thingy.
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Getting rid of a carb solenoid. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Getting rid of a carb solenoid.   Getting rid of a carb solenoid. Icon_minitimeMay 14th 2014, 11:46 pm

I believe the bolt for a briggs and stratton with a walbro carb, is...

5/16 inch, by 24 thread pitch, by a total thread length of about 1/4 inch.
Getting rid of a carb solenoid. Carb_b10
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Getting rid of a carb solenoid. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Getting rid of a carb solenoid.   Getting rid of a carb solenoid. Icon_minitime

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Getting rid of a carb solenoid.
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