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 Adding a recoil start to your briggs opposed twin.

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Adding a recoil start to your briggs opposed twin. Empty
PostSubject: Adding a recoil start to your briggs opposed twin.   Adding a recoil start to your briggs opposed twin. Icon_minitimeJune 7th 2014, 2:44 pm

We got tired of dead batteries, and crappy starters, so we have installed 3 recoil starters to our briggs opposed twin engines. 11-13hp honda recoils, ebay has them for 18.45 shipped.

Works very well, usually 1-2 pulls and they are running. It takes some effort to pull, but I can do it one handed, and there is no kick back. Much easier than the pull start I put on a 12hp single.

Here the video

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Adding a recoil start to your briggs opposed twin. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adding a recoil start to your briggs opposed twin.   Adding a recoil start to your briggs opposed twin. Icon_minitimeJune 7th 2014, 9:18 pm

Nicely done, sir!
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Adding a recoil start to your briggs opposed twin. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adding a recoil start to your briggs opposed twin.   Adding a recoil start to your briggs opposed twin. Icon_minitimeJune 7th 2014, 11:49 pm

THANK YOU! I have been thinking of doing this to the Gravely which will be getting a 16hp vert opposed. It has a new starter, but I was thinking of ditching the battery and just making leads for an external booster hookup for the initial hard start.

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Adding a recoil start to your briggs opposed twin. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adding a recoil start to your briggs opposed twin.   Adding a recoil start to your briggs opposed twin. Icon_minitime

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Adding a recoil start to your briggs opposed twin.
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