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PostSubject: Generic Posting   Generic Posting Icon_minitimeMay 7th 2013, 7:24 pm

Ive noticed this a little bit, and ive been observing silently to see if it declines. It hasnt.

Now, im not naming names, but generic posting needs to stop. "Yeah" "yes" "ok" and other short posts are not appropriate responses.

I had mentioned this to Junkstar before, and he brings up a good point; sometimes people want assurance that their post was read. However, posting "yeah" isnt exactly the way to do it. Generic posts fill up empty space, space that could be used by more thought out responses. Space that could be saved instead of reading through a build thread and having to go through 30 pages of "yeah, ok".

Now, how can we stop generic posting? Well first off, if its not going to contribute in some way, dont say it. Next, think of a decent response instead. If someone says "Ok, im going to go out an measure x tomorrow", dont reply "ok", just wait until they follow up. Or, if they say that and dont reply in a few days, bump the thread up with a "Figure it out yet?".

Now I realize not all generic postings are like that. One of the places where generic postings are acceptable is on a thread dedicated to pictures, or following up a picture. However, dont try to copy what the last post said, thats just distasteful.

Hopefully this will clean up some of the posts. I know I get aggravated when I see a new post and its "yeah".

Any questions, PM me or try and catch me in the chatbox. Thanks.

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PostSubject: Re: Generic Posting   Generic Posting Icon_minitimeMay 7th 2013, 7:53 pm

Some of the reasoning behind this is that we are getting very big on the web. We want to show the big leagues we are a legit forum! This "guideline" is not a rule, it's not going to get you banned or black flagged, but I ask you all to give a solid effort to make post logical, on topic, and clear of grammatical errors. Doing so will make not only yourself look good, but your representation of the forum!

I appreciate everyone that is a member and we are the best on the web. Lets keep up the great work, help each other, and as always support each other !


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Doc Sprocket
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PostSubject: Re: Generic Posting   Generic Posting Icon_minitimeMay 7th 2013, 8:15 pm

I completely agree. I am a moderator on a go kart oriented forum, have over 13, 000 posts there, and that sort of thing makes me a bit crazy too. I like folks to put some detail into questions and answers, for the main reason that folks will come along later using the search feature- and hope to find useful info. So lets give it to them!
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PostSubject: Re: Generic Posting   Generic Posting Icon_minitimeMay 7th 2013, 8:22 pm

Okay. Very Happy

Just kidding, we have the same thing happening over on another forum I moderate so it gets to be quite annoying.
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PostSubject: Re: Generic Posting   Generic Posting Icon_minitimeMay 7th 2013, 8:26 pm

well said fackler. I was getting tired of it too, I hope I wasn't contributing. well I guess, carrying on...
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PostSubject: Re: Generic Posting   Generic Posting Icon_minitimeMay 7th 2013, 8:37 pm

There is a fine line between it being okay and it not being okay. Its hard to explain.

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PostSubject: Re: Generic Posting   Generic Posting Icon_minitimeMay 8th 2013, 10:21 am

I too moderate on a much bigger forum. We have rules against all caps, no punctuation, and misspelling.

Really, all we ask for is an effort is made.

The nonsense posting is a fine line. I don't mind seeing a cool, or nice job, posted as a reply. It gives the thread owner a sense that people are watching and approve. Even a ditto isn't that bad.
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PostSubject: Re: Generic Posting   Generic Posting Icon_minitimeMay 8th 2013, 10:40 am

I think "moderation" can be used in this as a guildeline. If a member only posts "cool", "ok", and "yeah" all the time, it becomes redundant and none productive. Sure sometimes you dont have an answer or a solid response. Practicing restraint on commenting or developing literary skills that define and advance a topic are what we should strive for. But, Yes sometimes, we all just need a little nudge or reminder that someone cares enough just to let you know they have read your post!

I think we are rocking and rolling! still need some spring cleaning of some topics and some combining of threads..but in due time. Plus, there is some fat and filler that could be reduced if we all take some time and think!

Thanks again! Im happy to see the responses to this thread are mostly positive and I hope everyone agrees!
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Doc Sprocket
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PostSubject: Re: Generic Posting   Generic Posting Icon_minitimeMay 8th 2013, 11:13 am

Very well said, sir!
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