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 Spintires a cool truck offroad simulator

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Age : 25
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PostSubject: Spintires a cool truck offroad simulator   Spintires a cool truck offroad simulator Icon_minitimeFebruary 26th 2017, 11:34 pm

i know some of you guys play video games. just wanted to let you know about a cool game i discovered today.
its a offroad truck driving simulator, its really realistic you can engage diff lock and 4wd, its fun.

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PostSubject: Re: Spintires a cool truck offroad simulator   Spintires a cool truck offroad simulator Icon_minitimeFebruary 26th 2017, 11:54 pm

I think you're kinda late on finding that game, I've seen people playing it for years lol. On my phone I had this game called Gigabit Offroad, the terrain graphics weren't very good but you had Hi/Lo range, Auto or manual trans, winch, 2 or 4 wheel drive, front, rear, both, or no diff locks, winch, lots of different vehicles, mods, and upgrades, and lots of different camera angles and challenges. They pretty much made the most realistic offroad simulator for mobile. It took forever to install and took a lot of memory but it was well worth it IMO. I spent a lot of time playing that game and don't regret a single minute of it
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Age : 25
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Location : Montreal Canada

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PostSubject: Re: Spintires a cool truck offroad simulator   Spintires a cool truck offroad simulator Icon_minitimeFebruary 27th 2017, 12:04 am

RichieRichOverdrive wrote:
I think you're kinda late on finding that game, I've seen people playing it for years lol. On my phone I had this game called Gigabit Offroad, the terrain graphics weren't very good but you had Hi/Lo range, Auto or manual trans, winch, 2 or 4 wheel drive, front, rear, both, or no diff locks, winch, lots of different vehicles, mods, and upgrades, and lots of different camera angles and challenges. They pretty much made the most realistic offroad simulator for mobile. It took forever to install and took a lot of memory but it was well worth it IMO. I spent a lot of time playing that game and don't regret a single minute of it

its possible that im late on it lol but its still really cool and there are even more mods coming out now.
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PostSubject: Re: Spintires a cool truck offroad simulator   Spintires a cool truck offroad simulator Icon_minitime

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