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 Dana Spicer hardened gears.

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Dana Spicer hardened gears. Empty
PostSubject: Dana Spicer hardened gears.   Dana Spicer hardened gears. Icon_minitimeFebruary 10th 2019, 2:41 pm

Hi all,

I am almost 100 percent sure I stripped the gears in my mower. I am away from town rn but soon I will open her up and take a look. However, in the meantime, I would like to find a source for hardened gears to put in and replace the old ones. Does anyone know where to get them? Does anyone knwo if I can get pre-built race trans axles too? May just throw a new one in.
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Dana Spicer hardened gears. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dana Spicer hardened gears.   Dana Spicer hardened gears. Icon_minitimeFebruary 10th 2019, 2:58 pm

May I ask what makes you think a gear is stripped? Not saying it's not possible, just curious. There is a chance the pinion gear has stripped I suppose.

If you haven't already, I'd be sure to check the woodruff key for the trans pulley, if it shears or falls out the pulley will spin on the shaft.

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Dana Spicer hardened gears. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dana Spicer hardened gears.   Dana Spicer hardened gears. Icon_minitimeFebruary 10th 2019, 5:45 pm

If you want a set of harder gears, you can pull out the originals and have them heat treated. I think they already are hardened though just like the axles. Best way to know is to take a hacksaw and make one cut. If the blade just slides across the surface without cutting then they are hardened steel. If the blade cuts into them then they are regular steel and not hardened.

Racing trans means there are bearing added, grease changed to oil, with new seals to hold the oil. No gearing is changed for stronger ones.
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Dana Spicer hardened gears. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dana Spicer hardened gears.   Dana Spicer hardened gears. Icon_minitimeFebruary 10th 2019, 6:22 pm

AllisKidD21 wrote:
May I ask what makes you think a gear is stripped? Not saying it's not possible, just curious. There is a chance the pinion gear has stripped I suppose.

If you haven't already, I'd be sure to check the woodruff key for the trans pulley, if it shears or falls out the pulley will spin on the shaft.

I have yet to crack the trans open but when I put it in gear it no longer moves the wheels at all. When I open it up I will let you know.
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Dana Spicer hardened gears. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dana Spicer hardened gears.   Dana Spicer hardened gears. Icon_minitimeFebruary 10th 2019, 6:32 pm

If there's no obvious grinding, I'd bet that your shift keys are wore out. Could be wrong though. I have a 3 speed foote with a stripped forward side input gear. It was just some sintered crap and was poorly shimmed as well as lubricated.
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Dana Spicer hardened gears. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dana Spicer hardened gears.   Dana Spicer hardened gears. Icon_minitimeFebruary 10th 2019, 10:10 pm

I thought the same thing as rich. Also the splines on the shaft for your final drive could be stripped (rare but has happened), or possibly your input pinion gear or pulley key as AK said.

Is it all gears or just one? Seems unlikely that you’d lose all gears at the same time to me. Must be something simple
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PostSubject: Re: Dana Spicer hardened gears.   Dana Spicer hardened gears. Icon_minitime

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